Chapter # 4

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Jungkook p.o.v

The car stopped in front of a big mansion. My eyes got so wide that it felt like, they will fall from the sockets. My mouth was hung open in shock. Seeing my reaction all of the boys laughed except Taehyung as he entered in that huge mansion first.

"It's your first time coming here right"?, Hoseok Hyung said.

"Isn't it obvious idiot?", Suga Hyung said.

"Well all of us has the same reaction like you but some of us even shouted and cursed, so don't worry", Jimin said winking at me.

I nodded my head.

We all entered in the mansion. The inside of the mansion looks like a scene from some fairytale. All I could do was look here and there in awe.

"Jimin~ah bring the orange juice from the fridge, I bought yesterday", Hoseok Hyung said, Jimin nodded and went in kitchen's direction.

Suga patted his hand on the couch, indicating me to sit. I did as he said.

"Jimin~ah your room and laundry area is a total mess. Your clothes are scattered everywhere", Taehyung came down from staircase saying.

"Ahh... I couldn't decide what I should wear so that's why, don't worry I'll clean it up", Jimin said coming back with orange juice.

I was still confused trying to absorb the situation I couldn't understand.

"It looks like we have kidnapped you or something. Are you alright? Are you breathing properly?", Taehyung said smiling at me.

I blushed and look down quickly when our eyes met and I said in a small voice, "No, I'm totally fine".

"He got panic when he met someone new, he will adjust soon and once he will you will beg him to stop teasing you", Jimin said with a laugh looking at me and I give a smile.

"We're home you bitch-" Jin stopped when he saw me. I got confused yet again seeing Jin Hyung.. is cursing?

"O what happened? Trying to be all angel now"?, Suga Hyung taunt at Jin Hyung with a smirk.

"Shut up I'm the angel", Jin Hyung snapped.

"Awww our precious kookie is here too, are you comfortable now"? Jin Hyung asked with concern.

"Yes I'm", I said.

"Well, let's watch a movie together and later we will play some game", Namjoon Hyung said.

Everybody nodded. Jimin selected the movie "The Fault in our star" and as the movie end almost everyone in the room was crying and hiding there faces, so that the other wouldn't see.

"We should have watched some action movie, well let's play in the living room", Suga Hyung said.

"Wait, but what are we gonna play?", Namjoon Hyung asked and Hoseok Hyung said immediately, "Truth and Dare"

"O yeah babe, I have to take my revenge from last yime too", Jimin said  smirking while looking at Jin Hyung.

"Well it's settled than", Suga said.

I feel like I was invisible, but looking at them all it feels like they're so much close with each other.

"Jimin~ah bring the bottle from Jin Hyung's room", Hoseok said.

"Why do I have to go everytime"? Jimin whined.

"Do you have rooms in here too"? I asked confusingly looking in Hyungs direction.

"Yeah, of course we have because we all lives here", Suga said.

"Oppssiii I actually said we are hanging at Tae's place, so of course he didn't know that we live here", Jin Hyung said.

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