Chapter # 13

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Author p.o.v

Weeks past and all the boys were busy in practicing. Jungkook spending almost every night with his Hyungs as his mother was out of country for business purpose.

All the boys were sitting on the couch and having fun.

Jimin: hey did anyone knows the lyrics of "We don't talk anymore"?

Jungkook: Umm.. Yeah I do.

Jimin: Cool.. then mind singing with me? *Jimin wink at Jungkook*

Jungkook: Yeah sure..

Hoseok: Oooo.. So Kookie going to sing now in front of Tae ..

Yoongi: He is singing not stripping you moron. Yoongi said with *so done* face.

Jin: *Hit Yoongi's head* have some shame and manners at least in front of Kookie.

Namjoon: Babe now stop. Kookie sing and we will judge. Okay?

Jungkook: Sure. But my voice is not good enough.

Taehyung speak like after ages.

Taehyung: Your voice is so soothing and mesmerizing Kookie.

Jungkook blushed and everybody cooed at the sight.

Yoongi: See he knows how Kookie voice is. Don't know what they've done behind our backs.

Jungkook and Taehyung were now glowing with red shade like fireworks which were about to blow any moment.

Taehyung: Hyung stop that. It's not true. W-we didn't do anything yet.

Yoongi: Yet? Yoongi smirked.

Jimin: Aisshhh... Don't do that Hyung. They both sink in the river of embarrassment.

Yoongi: Sure babe..

Now it was Jimin's turn to blush. Both Jungkook and Jimin sang and everybody started fanboying on them.

Hoseok: Wow Kookie. You're amazing. We knew Jimin's singing is exceptional but you got us off guard.

Jin: That's for sure. I'm proud of you Kookie.

Jungkook thanked and his eyes lock with Taehyung. They both stare and Jungkook blushed. He sat besides Taehyung and he praise him and kiss him on his cheek. And everybody started hooting. Then they all started asking each other's favorite song?

Hoseok: What's your favorite song Kookie?

Jungkook: There are so many but lately I'm listening to "All of me"

(A/N: I know it's Taehyung's favorite song and he loves John legend but I've something up in my sleeves 😉 so please bear with me)

Namjoon: Tae so are you gonna sing for Kookie? Hmmm?

Jungkook felt butterflies as the younger never heard the older male sing and singing for him, his favorite song means a lot to him. But he felt disappointed and sad at Taehyung's answer but stayed calm from the outside.

Taehyung: My voice is kinda hoarse. I will sing maybe some other day. But not today.

Jungkook: It's no big deal hyungiee. He don't have to do everything for me.

Jungkook's disappointment was written all over his face and all the Hyungs noted but didn't said a thing as Taehyung didn't said anything. To change the atmosphere Jin talked about watching some movie but Jungkook felt disheartened coz somehow he was expecting Tae to sing for him.

After movie all the boys started discussing over Mafia and Gang as they earlier watched one.

Yoongi: It will be cool to be in Gang. Killing the bad guys and kicking their ass it will feel good. Yoongi smirked.

Namjoon: I can be the mind for our group coz I don't know whether I can use the gun properly or will that break in my hands too. Namjoon sigh.

Hoseok: Well we can find that out if we join Mafia by any chance. Hoseok winked.

Jimin: We can join if we want to coz B is in Mafia too and we all have very good terms with him and he is Tae's cousin.

Taehyung: Well don't think about too far coz we're not going to join any Mafia or anything.

Jin: Tae is right. Finally somebody talk with some sanity and besides his grandma never wanted him to be the bad guy.

Yoongi: Who said to become a bad guy. I said we should kick bad guys ass.

Taehyung: Everything come with a price. If we kick somebody, they will come after us not to kick but kill us. And if by any chance I join the Mafia the reason will be that "I no longer wanted to live in this world coz I'm too coward to do suicide so joining Mafia will be like last resort for me" so their is no chance that I be joining Mafia coz I've somebody besides me with whom I wanted to grow old. Taehyung looked at Jungkook and smile.

Jimin: Excuse me meanie. What about us? Don't we matter to you? Jimin pouted.

Yoongi: He is talking about love Babe of course he loves us too. Yoongi said reassuringly.

Taehyung: Of course I love you all coz you guys are my family.

Jungkook: Yup we all are.

All the boys did the group hug and laughed.

Only one day left for the festival and all the boys were super excited. After their chitchat they all fell asleep getting some beauty sleep before the big day.

A/N: Hey guys sorry for the late update and short chapter my Wattpad is not letting me publish me any chapter 😑😑. Only few more chapters and the plot I keep talking about will start. 😉 So please look into forward to it 🙆🙆

 😉 So please look into forward to it 🙆🙆

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In the name of Taekook 💜

I Purple You all 🙆 Love Yourself and Believe in Yourself 🙏 coz You deserve All the Love in the World 💜😘😘

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I Purple You all 🙆 Love Yourself and Believe in Yourself 🙏 coz You deserve All the Love in the World 💜😘😘

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