Chapter # 14

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Author p.o.v

Finally the day of festival started. Day 1 Jungkook's relay race and all the Hyungs wished him luck. Taehyung pecked Jungkook's lips and said: I don't have to say do your best coz I know my boyfriend will definitely win.

Jungkook pecked Taehyung's lips and said what if I loose?

Taehyung: I don't care then coz I love my babe no matter what.

Yoongi: Yo lovebirds! Now let go each other. Race is about to start in half an hour.

Jungkook blushed and went towards the practice area with his team. Just as the Boys predicted Jungkook won the race coz he don't like to loose. After the Day 1 all the boys celebrated Kookie's victory.

On Day 2 the Namjin Duo was up. They're famous in the school as the power duo as both are smart and genius. Just like everyone predicted Namjin won in the quiz and the boys celebrated yet again.

On Day 3 Yoongi came up.

Jimin: Do I even have to tell you that you have to win?

Yoongi: I won't loose Babe no matter what. My pride is on the line and besides this time my boyfriend is watching me, I can't loose this one match. *Yoongi winked*

Jimin blushed and just said: Yeah.

Yoongi: Don't you think you are forgetting something?

Jimin tilted his head in confusion and said: like what?

Yoongi closed the distance between him and Jimin and kissed him passionately which Jimin gladly return. When Yoongi pulled back Jimin whined softly, missing his touch already.

Yoongi: This what you were missing and I guess my Babe is already so needy hmmm.. Yoongi smirked.

Jimin blushed the deeper shade of red and lightly hit on Yoongi's chest.

Jimin: You are meanie. Jimin pouted.

Yoongi: We will continue it after I will win.

Jin: You horny prick get your ass out of here or otherwise all the people in the school will be enjoying the live porno. Jin huffed

Yoongi: I don't mind at least they will know that they should maintain a distance from my Babe or I will kick their asses.

Hoseok:  Boy kick the asses later. Right now you should focus on the match only 15min are left. If you got a boner now, the team will be in big trouble.

All the boys laughed and Jimin was tomato red, feeling more embarrassed.

Taehyung: Enough with the jokes now, Yoongi Hyung show 'em what you got.

All the boys cheered for Yoongi while the girls from his and the other school also fangirling over Yoongi. Whenever he score the cheers get more louder Jimin who couldn't hide his jealousy finally shouted when Yoongi score a point again.

Jimin: That's my boyfriend for y'all.

Jimin smirked while looking at the girls who just looked back at him with a shocked and surprising face while on the other hand Yoongi looked Jimin in the eye and smirked. When they both made eye contact, Jimin blushed and Jungkook teased Jimin by nudging on his shoulder.

Finally Yoongi and his team won the match. They won 3 big matches in a row and the school Principal praise the boys. They all celebrated and went to sleep coz they can't afford to distract themselves now.

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