Chapter # 23

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Long-ass chapter for y'all coz I love you all 😘😘


Author pov

The pep talk with Suga really helped Tae. He became more confident than before. He still didn't do any dirty work, for that his Hyungs are there to handle the situation. His birthday came and his Hyungs celebrated his day but he was still sad. Of course he masked a smile in front of his Hyungs but deep down he still remember the birthday he spent with the love of his life. It's not like there was anything missing for his big day. His Hyungs planned it really well but a piece of him was not there and of course that place cannot be filled. His Hyungs are his supporters and his well wishers but still everybody wanted to feel a different kind of love. He was like a puzzle piece now. The puzzle was complete except one part of the puzzle was missing. No matter what you do, you can't call your puzzle complete without that one piece right? That's how Taehyung is right now. He has his family his loving Hyungs but his love is missing and that's really made him feel incomplete.

7 months later

B: Hey what's up Mr Gucci Panther?

V: Cool.. what 'bout you guys?

B: Yeah, we're good too. I heard you are coming to New York next week. Is that true?

V: So Lee told you huhh? Well yeah at first we declined the offer but then we all decided to agree that way we can meet you and our families.

B: Actually I ask Lee to gave you that mission.

V: You what? But why? If you wanted to meet us. You should have told us. We would have come.

B: I know that but that will be a waste of your time and we wanted it to be productive. Plus we are thinking to permanently shift to Seoul maybe in 2 or 3 years. So we were thinking why don't you move here for a while. We will came back to Seoul together then? We will be buying a house there too.

V: No are you crazy? We will come to visit but we're definitely not going to stay there for that long.

B: Oh pretty please. Think about that way you and that Oz guys have a break too from your clash.

If you are thinking about what clash? Well after they kicked the ass of the people who were working for Oz they become quite popular and then after there first mission they raided so many smaller and bigger fishes. Somehow the people who got their ass kicked out were always related to Oz. One after another they flopped the plans of Oz. In Mafia world. There were 3 most notorious gangs. Who didn't moved an inch from there ranking.

1st "The J"
2nd "The Jinx" i.e B's gang
3rd "The Oz"

Until the" Black Panthers" came in Mafia world. One after another unintentional strike on Oz made them stumble and " Black Panthers" became the 3rd most notorious gang. That's why now the Oz have bigger reason to obliterate the Black Panthers. So B suggested to take break from this whole Oz scenario and change location for sometime.

After a brief good discussion the boys agreed to move to New York. It's almost a month that they shifted to New York with all his friends. September 1st came. Taehyung was out for walk, the boys didn't said a word because they know the reason behind it.

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