Chapter # 18

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Author p.o.v

Jungkook was in the emergency ward for 4 and half hours and all the while that mysterious guy was waiting outside for him. Finally the red light from the emergency ward turned off and the doctor came out with nurses guiding them about the medication on which Jungkook will be from now on.

?: Doctor is he alright now? Why did it took so long? How is his head?

Doctor: Mr. Charlie am afraid to tell you that the wound on his head wasn't that deep. It just a mere bruise and he lost some blood but the real problem is, he is suffering from some kind of trauma, his mind is too captivated by those memories that no matter what we have tried, he isn't opening his eyes.

Charlie: What do you mean by that doctor? But he is alright right?

Doctor: I told you Mr. Charlie we have tried every possible thing we could. For the time being, We have took care of his head wound but I'm afraid to tell you that your friend is in "Coma" now and we don't know when will he wakes up? Maybe he woke up in an hour, or after a day, maybe some weeks or months or maybe it will took Him year, we never know. I can't guarantee you any specific time.

Charlie who was in shocked got on his knees. Thinking what had happened to this poor soul. He did saw him crying and Jungkook told him that he doesn't wanted anybody to know about him being here.

Charlie: Doctor I have a favor to ask. Whatever the stay in hospital, I will pay but shift him to private ward. Don't take his name just call him Patient and whatever private room you will shift him into, add that number after patient. I will ask one of my friend to look after him in my absence but except him don't disclose about him being here.

Doctor: Very well Mr. Charlie, I will make sure to do everything as you said. Now I would like to take my leave.

After doctor left Jungkook was transferred to a private room on 3rd floor where there are hardly 7 more rooms. Charlie took out Jungkook's phone but there was no sim card in it. He saw the save contacts in phone and called his mother. To come visit his son, thinking that maybe if he heard his mom's voice he might wake up or at least respond or something. He told his mom not to disclose this matter with anyone.

Jungkook's Mom: Honey! Jungkook is in hospital. What should we do. I'm going to meet him. How did that happen to him. I talked to him yesterday and he was so excited and happy.

Her mother sobbed while talking.

Jungkook's Dad: I understand but don't go there for now. It's too dangerous for you to go. Wait for sometime and we will visit him together.

Jungkook Mom: I wanted to meet my son. I don't care about anything.

Jungkook's Dad: Honey don't be too emotional, he is my son too and besides he has somebody to took care of him for now. Please don't be reckless.

But Jungkook's Mom was too blinded by the event that took place. She just took the flight without informing his husband, and when she arrived at Seoul, she went straight to the hospital but somebody was there keeping an eye on her and when she was about to cross the street the truck hit her hard.

Her Mom was bleeding badly unconscious and the breathing started to get slower and slower. Later Charlie received the call that Jungkook's mother passed away in car accident while she was coming to visit his son. Charlie was too shocked with all the miserable events happening one after the other. What will he said to Jungkook when he wakes up? What on Earth his destiny is playing with him? That boy is way too young to go through all of these.

On the other hand all the boys were desperately searching for Jungkook. Jimin took Taehyung home coz he was not totally conscious. Yoongi asked for the number from which the receptionist receive the call but the number never showed up on the list. After searching for like hours. It was 11p.m all the while they tried to call Jungkook but his number was out of service.

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