Chapter # 37

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Author p.o.v

"This isn't the dress I wanted", Jin whined.

"Hyung this is the tenth dress you are saying no to. Plus there's no turning back now. You choose this as final dress last night", Jungkook said.

"What if Joonie didn't like it? Or worst what if he say that he don't want to marry me anymore?", Jin panicked.

"Calm your ass down Hyung. He is literally waiting outside in the aisle for you, it's you who isn't going out", Jimin sighed.

"I look disgusting. At least I should match his caliber. I want to look perfect", Jin groaned.

"You look perfect Jin. Stop thinking too much. I never see a girl getting this panicked on her wedding day", Halsey said.

"I'll ask that to you Hails when your time come", Jin uttered.

"Hyung if you really stay in and keep complaining then he will definitely marry someone else", Jimin said.

"No need to come out Jin Hyung, Joonie found her dream girl out. You were taking too long to come so he is now knotting ties with her", Yoongi said entering in the room.

Jin immediately turned, "What the fuck did you just said? Who is inviting their death?"

Everybody sighed  but finally Jin came out of the room. The moment he went out with his friends, everybody stared him.

"Please tell me I look okay", Jin whispered.

"Hyung you are looking like Worldwide Handsome", Jungkook assured with a smile. Jin smiled back. He was nervous, his ear turned red due to too much attention. But all his insecurities and nervousness washed away, the moment he saw his man smiling at him, looking so much more handsome than ever.

Jin's father walked him to aisle, while Jimin, Jungkook and Halsey joined Yoongi, Taehyung and Hoseok. Jin and Namjoon stood face to face and repeated their verses after father.

"I do", Namjoon said showing his dimple smile.

"I do", Jin replied softly as his eyes sparkle with tears and just like that, they both slowly leaned into the kiss. The crowd started hooting and clapping on the young couple marriage. They both broke the kiss and laughed looking at their family and friends.

"Be ready for this day Mr. Future Min", Yoongi said kissing Jimin cheek.

Jimin blushed and lightly hit older chest, whining, "Hyunnggg".. Yoongi smiled, "I really can't wait Chim, let's do this".

Jimin eyes turn double the size, "Y-you really mean it?", he whispered and Yoongi nodded, "Yes.. Let's get married in May".

"isn't it too soon?", Jimin questioned.

"Bitch just get married because of you I'm stuck too", Hoseok said from the other side and Halsey lightly hit Hoseok shoulder, "You have no shame", she rolled her eyes.

"Well why would I feel ashamed? This little one is in line too", Hoseok said pointing his finger on Taehyung.

"So it's a marriage year for bad boys", Jin said as both Namjoon and Jin both joined their friends.

"Congratulations Mr. Kims", everybody said in unison and they replied with a broad smile, "Thank you".

"So when are you both leaving?", Yoongi asked.

"Tonight at 9", Namjoon said.

"Enjoy then. Should I hide in your suit case? Take me too", Jimin said.

"You had enjoyed enough already so stay here now", Jin said.

"C'mon Hyung.. Don't be mean", Jimin pouted.

"No means no. Plus he is already saying he wanted to marry in May so utilize this time and prepare for your own wedding", Jin winked. Jimin blushed knowing exactly that his fiance is dead serious about marriage.

They enjoyed the dance and drinks. Jungkook was going to bathroom when somebody grabbed him from behind putting his hand on his mouth and dragged in the room. Jungkook panicked and look relieve when he saw his fiance.

"Hyung you just gave me a heart attack", Jungkook whined. Taehyung showed him his boxy smile.

"Well you weren't paying attention to me and I need your attention", Taehyung said with a pout. Jungkook giggled and kiss older cheek.

"You look so handsome Hyung", Jungkook said with a big smile.

"I'm hearing that a lot today", He smirked. Jungkook glared at him and Taehyung immediately pulled him closer, closing the distance between them and locking lips. Jungkook teased older by not opening up and Taehyung swirled him, pressing him on wall and rubbing his groin on younger's. He moaned and Taehyung immediately slid his tongue in.

*Mature content ahead. Skip this part if you can't read M rated scenes. I'll put the warning when this end*

Their kiss turn more heated and needy. Taehyung fumbled with younger's pant and boxer and he lower them till his knees.

"H-hyung what if somebody come?", Jungkook said breathless.

Taehyung was trailing kisses from his neck to collarbone, "Nobody will come, they all are busy", he bit hard on his shoulder making younger moan louder. Taehyung lowered his pant and boxers and pumped his length a little, then he settled himself between his leg, spread his ass cheeks and slid in. Jungkook cried in pain and pleasure and scratched older's neck.

Taehyung lifted younger and he immediately locked his legs around his waist. He thrust slowly when younger started begging for more. "F-faster" Taehyung start thrusting harder and faster. Jungkook moans turn louder and louder and soon he came. Taehyung chased his own high and after few more thrust he came inside of younger, he released a wet sigh when he felt the seed of older inside of him.

*End of Smut*

TAehyung locked the door and took younger on bed. On the other side Namjoon and Jin were making love too, all giggly and happy. Jimin and Yoongi, Hoseok and Halsey all were same. By 8 they all got fresh and joined the family dinner. They laughed and teased each other and by 9 they bid goodbyes to the newly wed couple.

Namjoon and Jin went to their booked hotel and from their they will start their honeymoon trip. Back in the house, all the 6 latter were discussing about their current situation and how are they going to leave this mafia shit since it's not easy to leave.

On top of that they know that if a new mission will pop up anytime and no matter what, they had to go there. 

"B and other are out for their next mission and he said they don't know when they'll be free", Taehyung said.

"Whatever the case is, for now let's not contact Namjoon and Jin Hyung. Let them enjoy their honeymoon", Yoongi said and everybody agreed on that.

They said that they will quit this shit but none of them were actually sure about leaving this since none of them know how? Even though they have planned about far future, they don't have any idea what their destiny had planned for them. Will things go according to them? Or will everything fall apart in the worst way??


A/N: Thank you for 16k and sorry for not updating this book. Only 3 more chapters and this book will end.  So I'm going to update again soon so that I can introduce you all my new book. Please keep voting and supporting my book. Thank you so much <3 

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