Chapter # 15

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Author p.o.v

Taehyung pinned Jungkook on the door and kissed him passionately which Jungkook gladly return. He wrapped one arm around Taehyung's neck and other one in his silver locks while Taehyung pulled him closer by his waist like it was possible.

Taehyung: I'm sorry Koo not singing for you before but I was planning to sing for you but then when they asked me to I don't want to spoil my surprise.

Jungkook: I'm not mad or sad anymore Tae. To be honest I was upset back then but now I'm so happy you don't know, I feel so high like I'm on cloud9 and gosh I can't believe that the guy I was totally crushing for the past 2 years, is now is in my embrace. He kissed Tae on the cheek then another cheek then on nose, then forehead, then chin and said Done giggly. Taehyung pouted and whined

Taehyung: You didn't kiss me on the lips. You should be kissing me on the lips. I'm hungry.

Jungkook: We just ate about half an hour ago and if you are hungry then I should brought some snacks for you. Jungkook said teasingly grabbing the door Knob.

Taehyung: I'm hungry for you and you're my snack. Taehyung kissed Jungkook again on the lips and Jungkook laugh and giggle in-between the kiss.

Jungkook pulled away from the kiss and then attacked Taehyung's neck, kissing him, telling him to take him and he closed his eyes and groaned. Taehyung grabbed Jungkook's both wrist and pinned his hands above his head with his one hand and slide his other hand under his waist and whispered in his ear with his deep raspy voice.

Taehyung: I wanted to take you, right here right now but you know Babe I can't. I can't take advantage of you. You're still young and I don't want to take your V-card now. We will do it when you'll officially be an adult and that day I won't hold myself back, I promise.

Jungkook whole body got goosebumps just from his husky voice. He felt so overwhelmed by him but still requested Taehyung to take him now, that he is fully ready that he know what he is asking but Tae just denied politely just peppering him with kisses all over, saying that that's the least skin ship they can have for the time.

Jungkook: It's not like you're forcing me or something. It's my will, I wanted to do this. I am ready, I'm totally ready and you'll be adult in just few days officially. So just please take me. He pouted and pleaded with his Doe eyes.

Taehyung: Goshh you are making me loose control but Koo I can't. You know I have to talk about all this to my Mom that I am about to make you mine.

And with that Jungkook's eyes widened. His eyes was about to pop out from the sockets.

Jungkook: W-what you mean by that? Do you mean what I think you mean?

Taehyung: This may sound really weird or something. We all may live together without our parents but we never took a single decision against them. What you think before Jin Hyung and Namjoon Hyung make out, didn't they told their parents about that? and Yoongi Hyung and Jimin? Well our parents never said anything like that we can't love our same gender. They were always very understanding. They supported us and when I became adult officially, I will ask my mom about you and if you want I can talk to your mom too but we have to wait for it, wait for the right time, wait for when I can officially and proudly call you mine till than please wait. I promise to make that day the most memorable day of your life that you won't be able to forget ever, Even if you want to. I promise that that day will change everything for us. Taehyung kissed Jungkook again on the lips lovingly and Jungkook felt that thousands of butterflies were dancing in his stomach. He just wanted that day to come fast. Little did he knows, that day will definitely change everything for both of them, not the way Taehyung planned it but the way their Destiny about to play with them.

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