Chapter # 26

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Author p.o.v

When the boys arrived at the mansion, Jungkook saw the difference when he last visited and now. The mansion was expanded more and was guarded by guards. Everything has locks and surveillance cameras. Jungkook felt a little hesitant but then a warm pat on his back calm him down, It was Jin.

Jin: Let's treat your wound Kookie. Thank goodness it's not deep.

Jungkook nodded and a small Yeah was came out hardly audible. He was stealing glances with Tae, who just look like a Godly Greek Statue with no emotions. Neither sad nor angry, he was simply staring at the blank space, Jimin was there for him though.

All the boys sat at the couch on the living room and Taehyung just left straight towards their garden area. Memories washed over Jungkook like a tsunami. He remembered the time he surprised Taehyung on his birthday, the way latter swing him over in front of Hyungs, the way his face lighten up with a boxy smile which melted the younger's heart. He felt a pang on his heart wishing that he could turned back time and ran towards Taehyung, embrace him on his arms, peppered him with butterfly kisses but he is so helpless and powerless, he can't do as his heart pleased.

The grimace look on Jungkook's face didn't go unnoticed by Hyungs. RM made a clearing throat sound which made Jungkook came back to reality.

J-Hope: So Kookie where were you till now?

Jungkook: I-i was in London. I came back like 2 years ago.

Jin: Ohh.. So where are you living now?

Jungkook: I live in a dorm provided by our college.

RM: Aren't you in University by now? Did you skip college after the incident?

Jungkook: L-Like I said I was in London, so I didn't took admission there and umm.. the visit there got longer than expected.

J-Hope: So how's Mrs. Jeon? Did she talk about us?

Jungkook's breathe hitched. Hearing about his mother after 2 years bring back the sad memory, a lump was formed on his throat, trying hard not to cry or show how broken he got. He tried his best not to sound broken but his voice cracked when he spoke again with a fake smile plastered on his face.

Jungkook: M-mom?! S-she is doing just fine. She talk about you guys often.

RM: Did she really talk about us? Then did she told you about Tae called your Mom? Coz we tried to connect her later but we couldn't. We thought she might had changed her number.

Jungkook was shocked because he never got the chance to talk to his mother. He doesn't know what Tae had talked to his mother back then. If he talk much, he'll be caught in his own lies. So he simply denied that he doesn't wanted to talk about that. Little did he knows that the boys assume the wrong thing. They all thought that Jungkook knows about Tae proposing him but they didn't know that Jungkook was lying that he met his mother. Only Suga and Jimin knows the actual truth, which Jungkook was hiding. So both shared a glance with each other and stood up. Suga went to the direction where Taehyung went earlier and Jimin just asked Jungkook to follow him to his room.

As Jungkook followed Jimin, he stood outside of Jimin's room.

Jimin: Why are you standing there? Just come in..

Jungkook: Well ummm.. I don't know if I can still come coz umm last time you didn't even wanted to see me and I still didn't listen to you. I'm sorry because of me he got into trouble and--

GOOD BOYS GONE BAD | VKOOK [COMPLETED] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now