Chapter # 17

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Author p.o.v

Everything seems to be going great. In school they all met at library together coz even cafeterias are different of their Blocks. Everybody was so happy, enjoying their lives but what bothered Jungkook was Jihoon trying on Taehyung. He pretends to stumble in front of Tae, so that he would catch him or drop his papers so Tae could collect them for him coz Tae is too kind and pure not understanding his schemes. The worst part is, Jihoon transferred to Taehyung's Block and they've mostly classes together which makes Jungkook very uncomfortable even though he loves Tae and believe him blindly he doesn't trust Jihoon one bit. Even the Hyungs noted his crappy actions.

Hoseok: Hey Tae! Don't you think Jihoon become more clumsier now he is in your Block? I kinda don't like him one bit. No offense but his actions make me creep.

Yoongi: I don't fucking like him. The aura he carried around Tae is so fake like he pretends to be all this good shoes. I fucking hate the vibes he give you know.

Jin: You better watch your back Tae when everyone is noticing all these. Kookie might not say this but it's so uncomfortable.

Jimin: Seriously Tae listen to us. If I was Kook and somebody tries on Yoongi Hyung like that, I would have kill that guy, like it's too much.

Jungkook who was sitting on Taehyung's lap was silent coz he wants Taehyung to understand that Jihoon is not someone who could be this nice without any reason. Something is fishy.

Taehyung: Hyung you're thinking way too much, he got confuse around me. You are thinking way too much for nothing and I don't care if he is trying on me or not, I only like Koo. He kiss Jungkook on the cheek and caressed his waist to assured him that he is with him and he doesn't need anyone else.


Just like that they all graduated from high school on August, they all have applied for different colleges each keeping the secret about the college they would be in to surprise each other. Jungkook went to his house coz he was selling his house, his mother told him she won't be here for another year because of some business stuff and his Dad may come home next time when she visit him.  The college he applied for has dorm, so he has to move his stuff there. His Hyungs keep asking about where is his dorm but he told everyone that he will bring them all there on his birthday, it will be a treat from his side but Hyungs still insisted about his whereabouts so he give them 3 options and told them that he is going to stay in 1 of these colleges dorm.

Jungkook who remember Taehyung promise, keep reminding him days. Taehyung asked him to take him to his dorm but he said in one condition if he takes him now, he will welcome him in his dorm otherwise he has to wait till his birthday. Taehyung choose to wait coz he was planning something much bigger, he talked to Jungkook's mom about making him his fiance, his mother was surprised coz she thought his son is still young but the way his son has become more jolly, happy and giggly she knows Taehyung will took better care of him. Taehyung took promise from Jungkook's mother that she won't tell him about Taehyung proposing Jungkook which she happily promised.

It's been a week since Jungkook was staying alone in the dormitory room and his roommate didn't showed up well they still have 2 weeks before the classes starts so it depends on the students if they wanted to stay here now or not. Every night Jungkook FaceTime Tae and his Hyungs and then sleep. It was 31st August and after the clock struck 12a.m Jungkook phone keep ringing he took the call and that was Tae and his Hyungs wishing him his birthday when the Hyungs left Tae said Jungkook to meet him under the clock tower near the park at 6p.m he will be waiting there for him. Jungkook was super excited to meet the love of his life that he didn't sleep much due to excitement. He got ready earlier it was 5:30p.m he thought he should walk by now and wait there for him and give him surprise instead.

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