Chapter # 31

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Author p.o.v

Everybody was silently watching news on TV when Jimin broke the ice. "I don't think letting Tae train Gguk is a good idea".

"Why? I will work hard and will practice with him", Jungkook replied immediately.

"O bitch! We both know it ain't possible. Leaving you two alone is never a good idea", Jimin retorted.

"Language punk", Jin said to Jimin.

"Hyung he ain't innocent and I didn't curse, I just said bitch. Isn't that what a female dog called?", He replied batting his eyelashes innocently.

"Are you calling me a dog?", Tae jumped in the conversation.

"Aren't you all?", Jimin said with a smirk plastered on his face eyeing Namjoon, Yoongi, Hoseok and Taehyung.

"I'm going to stick with being a human. So nope, I'm not a dog", Namjoon replied.

"Are you trying to say that you're Yoongi's bitch?", Hoseok retorted with a smirk too.

"I think I need to show what dogs do then", Yoongi eyed his fiance and smiled slyly.

"You're back with your freaking top and bottom theory", Jin smacked Jimin's head and he made an 'Ouch' noise.

"Why are you dragging the conversation to totally different angle? Today will be Koo's first practice session and I'll try my best to train him", Taehyung said.

"For heaven sakes! Don't lie to me. We both know, a couple doing a practice session is not a good idea. You will end up fucking and not practicing. We all have been through that and I'm talking with experience", Jimin said rolling his eyes.

"He has a point though but let them enjoy their little practice sessions", Yoongi smirked and nudge Taehyung's shoulder lightly.

Both were blushing madly but Jungkook managed to answer "I'll concentrate on practicing, I already wasted enough time".

"We will see that baby. I'll be watching", Jimin smirked.

Soon they all scattered in their huge mansion, doing different chores. Taehyung took Jungkook to the basement, showing him the practice area. All the while telling him which door will lead to which room. By the end of the corridor when Taehyung opened the door, there was a white hall like room and on the other side of the wall, there were human figurines like targets for practice.

"I'm going to pick the same gun as your. Do as I do. We will first fill the bullets then we will load it. To load the gun, you need to put some strength on it plus remember to be quick with time okay?".

Jungkook nodded. Listening carefully to what Taehyung said.

"Alright. Good. So now put your other hand underneath of your first hand and focus on the dart in front. Then press the trigger and we are good to go. The impact of bullet will be loud and you will be pushed a little backward with the impact, so don't drop the gun okay?", Taehyung said looking at Jungkook.

Then Jungkook start copying Taehyung. They both were 2 feets apart in front of targets. Taehyung put bullets on his gun and Jungkook did the same then he load the gun while Jungkook felt a little hard to do so.

"It's alright. Just grab the upper part of the gun and pull it back with strength and you are good to go".

Then Jungkook did as he was told. They both aimed towards the target and both press trigger together. With a load noise echoing, Jungkook almost got a little shocked. His ear were ringing.

Taehyung bullet hit the target while Jungkook missed it. "It's alright Babe. You did it good. Are you okay?", Taehyung asked worriedly.

"Umm yeah I think so. It isn't as easy as they show us in movies", Jungkook said still a little dazed by the impact and Taehyung laugh his symphonic laugh.

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