Chapter # 33

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Author p.o.v

Jungkook groaned in his sleep when he tried to turn. His lower region was hurting like a bitch. Sure Taehyung went a little too harder but once they started that, it was younger who begged for more, want him to go harder and faster. He is sated. Both are wild, young and free and when they are in bed, they want nothing more, just want to feel each other as much as possible.

There is not a single night where they didn't make love to each other. Mostly they make lover under sheets, slow and sensual but there are times when they got carried away and make love a little too harder which cause younger to limb a day or two but the aftermath of their rough makeout session is always so good. Taehyung carried him everywhere and hover around him, treat him like a prince. Anything younger wants, it came in front of him like older is a magician and with one swift of his wand he place everything in front of younger.

"Sore?", Taehyung deep morning voice whispered around younger's ear shell.

"Mmmm...." Jungkook only made a whimpered sound. Taehyung slowly turned younger toward himself so they were face to face. Jungkook had his eyes close while Taehyung was smiling looking at his babe angel. His hand was snaked around younger's waist and his fingers were slowly massaging his lower back. He came closer to his face and slowly started trailing soft kisses all over younger's face.

Jungkook was making soft 'mmmmm' sounds while the older shower him with kisses then slowly he opened his eyes, meeting his beautiful angelic boyfriend face who was smiling at him and kissing him. Then he captured younger's lip in a soft kiss. Jungkook moaned at his mouth as their lips started moving so in-sync. Taehyung's tongue was stroking the outline of his outer lip, asking for permission which younger gladly granted.

Their makeout session was slow and lovely, no rush, no lust just pure love and care. Taehyung was still massaging younger's back who was moaning in return because of the sensation his body was feeling. Soon Jungkook started feeling restless as both of their bodies were getting more and more hot every passing second.

They slowly detached their lips and gasp as they both could feel each other arousal. They can't have enough of each other. They can't stop their selves. Once they started it, they wanted more and more but since younger is too sore. It will be better if they control their hormones.

"Damn... You feel so good Koo", Taehyung murmured on his lips. Jungkook smiled at older's comment and slowly pouted to give a chaste kiss as their lips were still brushing with each other.

"So do you", he commented.

"Time for my baby's shower". Jungkook laughed at older's words and Taehyung removed the sheet from their bodies. They were naked and Jungkook's body was mostly cover with different colors of hickeys. Taehyung has very few hickeys compared to younger as when older's get on top of him, he totally loose his senses. If he manage to give 3 or 4 hickeys, older gave him 10 to 12 so of course you can imagine how colorful younger's body would be.

Jungkook showed him hand gesture so that older will carry him. He smiled at his baby's behavior and carried him to bathroom in bridal style. He gave him a long bubbly bath and pat dried him. They both changed into comfy clothes joining everybody on breakfast table. Jin was cooking for everyone, he turned around when he saw younger's coming and smiled.

"Good morning. Breakfast will be ready in 5 minutes", Jin said.

"Yummmm... It smells really good hyung", Jungkook complimented sniffling.

Jin smiled at him again. "Well I'm making your favorite ramen too you know". And Jungkook smile grew wider showing older his bunny smile. Soon from the other side Jimin and Yoongi came, and Yoongi too was carrying Jimin. They sat beside them and Jimin mocked at younger,  "How's your ass doing?". 

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