Chapter # 10

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Author p.o.v

After school Jungkook headed straight home without even saying goodbye. Just a simple text to Jimin that he's going home and will meet him tomorrow.

He stayed in bed watching the ceiling constantly and thinking about Taehyung. His phone beeped that means he got a message. He opened it and it was Tae.

Taehyung :
I'm sorry if I keep bothering you but trust me, if you said that you don't want me around you anymore. I won't ever show you my face.

Take Care.


Jungkook groaned as he saw the messages and as usual he leave it on seen. He doesn't want that. He can't imagine his world without Taehyung now, when he know that he has mutual feelings now but how can he confront Jimin tomorrow? What is he gonna say to him? Will he be angry or will he really understand him as he said he would? So many questions were flooding in Jungkook's mind. He thought to text Jimin and honestly tell him what he feels for Taehyung.

Hey Jimin Hyung about when we talked earlier about Taehyung texting somebody and you thought that the person he was texting was me. Well that's true, it was me and I do like him too. I'm sorry but please don't be angry on me. You are my best friend.


Jungkook groaned at himself because he wrote a whole story and he erased it because he was too chicken to send that text to Jimin. He type again and again. And deleted the text again and again then finally he was able to send him one text.


Jimin Hyung would you please meet me at Block-B tomorrow at 8a.m? I have something important to tell you.

Oh my gosh. Spill what's the tea Kookie? 😁 I can't wait. 😏


I will tell you tomorrow in detail right now I'm busy in cleaning the room.

*Dramatic sighed* kay then I'll see you tomorrow at 8. Good night.

Jungkook sighed at Jimin's text. So finally I have to tell Jimin the truth.


All the boys were sitting on the couch. So... Jimin said and everyone paid attention towards him.

So What? Hoseok said.

Well you all know from tomorrow onwards Kookie will be joining us. So I just thought of something. Jimin smirked.

Jimin~ah how are you so sure? What if he really said that you can date me then what will I do? Taehyung whined.

Well Babe then date me. We will be hot couple. Just imagine both of us hand in hand on tuxedos and everybody watching us as we walk down the hallway of our campus. Jimin said with sparkling eyes. Everybody laughed except for Yoongi as he was too focus on Jimin's words.

Are you serious? You and I can't date coz we both know you don't like me, you like him second of all why would we wear tuxedos? Taehyung said.

Jimin glared angrily towards Taehyung and then Taehyung thought he went too far. So he gave apologetic glance toward Jimin who in return hissed.

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