Chapter # 24

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Jungkook ran behind the shorter guy, hoping that it would be the guy he assumed him to be.

Jungkook: Jimin Hyung?

The shorter guy who was too consumed on his cellphone when heard his name and familiar voice, he turned to see if he really the guy he think he is.... And when Jimin turned he saw Jungkook smiling at him. The smile which was on Jimin's face when he was using his phone fade away the moment he saw the younger in front of him.

Jimin: What are you doing here? You were in London.

Jimin said with a raised brow.

Jungkook: Ummm.. y-yeah I came back to Seoul 2 years ago. By the way how are you? and the Hyungs?

Jungkook said with a small smile.

Jimin: We are far better without you, if you wanted to know that Jeon and stay away from him. Don't try to come near him or I will forget that we used to be friends once. Everything is changed now, so are we and of course you would have changed too.

Jimin's words felt like a pang on heart but he didn't dare to say a word. Coz never in his life, he heard Jimin calling him by his first name not even when he used to be angry on him. He still call him Jungkook but from Jungkook to just Jeon, he never expected that.

Jungkook: I-i-i just wanted to know how's he?

Jungkook didn't dare to let out Taehyung's name from his mouth coz first time in ages he was feeling scared of Jimin.

Jimin: I told you, he's doing far better without you. So stay away. Can't you hear me clearly?

Anger was building inside of Jimin when suddenly his phone rang. He received the call.

Jimin: Hey... No no.. I was in the parking lot.. yeah.. I'll be there in 5min.. I get it Suga Hyung..

Then Jimin glanced at Jungkook that the younger was still standing there.

Jimin: Hold on a second Hyung. I told you to stay away, now go...*On call* now where were we.

From the other side of the line, Suga asked him who is he talking to and Jimin changed the subject.

Jungkook saw Jimin disappearing from his sight. He felt so small and hurt. He never thought that Jimin could be this angry. He knows that Jimin was overprotective for Tae, and now Jungkook's heart was feeling uneasy, having thousands of thoughts on his mind. Is Tae alright? Did something happen behind his back when he was gone? Did something happened between him and Jihoon? As much as he hate the other latter's name with Tae, he still knew they were together right? but then why Jimin was this angry. With his head down, he took out his phone from his pocket which was vibrating constantly.

Yugyeom: WTF dude I've been calling you for the past 15mins. Where did you disappeared too?

Jungkook: Sorry Yugy something came up, you head home first. I'll see you later tonight.

Yugyeom: Where are you going? At least tell me. So I know if you die or something so I can pick your body.*Yugyeom said in dramatic and sarcastic tone*

Jungkook: To the bar near the alley. Happy now?

Yugyeom: Don't come drunk otherwise you will be suspended for a month and you know you can't afford that right now.

Jungkook: I know Dude.. now bye see yah....

Yugyeom: 'kay bye..

With that Jungkook went to the bar direction. It's not like he drunk normally. He go to bar with Yugyeom always and he go there alone whenever he came from hospital after his hiatus. Yugyeom didn't questioned much coz he figured out something is wrong coz whenever he came drunk to dorm he helped him changed and hear his non stop blabbing which he hardly understood. He only understand one word and that was "Tae" and he was curious to know who that guy might be? And why do he takes his name when he was drunk? Coz Jungkook never talked about Taehyung to him when he was sober. So for him he is the mysterious guy who has something to do with Jungkook.

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