Chapter # 39

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Taehyung groaned when he felt the pain. His vision was blurry but slowly when he gained complete consciousness, he found himself tied to a chair. He tried to free himself but to to no avail as the pain numbed his senses once again. His thigh was bleeding and he could feel the solid metal inside his flesh.

"No point in struggling Tae, we all tried it already".

Taehyung turned to his left side when he heard Hoseok's voice and there all his hyungs were tied to the chair, just like him. His eyes searched for his Babe, his love and when he looked at his right side, he saw him bleeding and still unconscious. In that moment, he felt his heart been squeezed with a force that he thought might kill him. Once again Jungkook is suffering and once again the reason behind his suffering is Kim Taehyung. He wanted to scream and cry but what's the point of that? It's not like his screaming and crying will make them go out of this alive or turn back time.

His bicep was shot but the puddle of blood on the floor was making Taehyung more ashamed of his choices. They heard soft sniffling and sobbing noises which belongs to Halsey. Luckily, they didn't shot her. It was only boys who got shot and for once they all were grateful that they showed some manners to keep the matter between men.

"H-how longer are we here? Any idea?", Taehyung voice was almost like a whisper but since they were in empty storeroom kind of room, their voices were echoing. "Maybe approximately six to seven hours", Namjoon answered.

"I don't understand why they brought us here? What do they want from us? I thought that they will kill us then and there", Jimin murmured.

"I think they wanted to tell us who we work for and where we hiding all the money. They did shot us and hit us but they kept us alive so that we will fear them", Yoongi said.

"I agree with Yoongi. They want information and once they get it, they will kill us", Jin voice turned into whisper as he mentioned the killing part.

"Jungkook... Koo... Wake up", Taehyung called. After like half an hour, they heard Younger whimpering. "Koo", Taehyung called again.

"H-hyung nghh.. We are alive?", Jungkook asked in disbelief.

"For now... Yes we are alive. Sleepyhead", Jimin smiled.

Jungkook exhaled in relief, seeing that they all are alive.

"I know it's out of blue but how was your honeymoon trip?", Hoseok questioned.

"Well it was a dream come true", Jin smirked while Namjoon gave his signature dimple smile. "We visited so many places and I ate food in almost every restaurant. At least I can say that I can finally die in peace now".

"Aiisshhh bitch stop making us envious. We couldn't even got the chance of getting married", Jimin pouted.

"I wanted to get married too but these fuckers brought us here. I can't even say I can die in peace now", Hoseok said in a sulking tone.

"Don't make this long face or one of us will definitely kick your balls", Yoongi said to Taehyung who wasn't participating in the conversation.

"Cheer up Hyung. At least we all are ali—

"For now", Taehyung cut off Jungkook.

"You're a party pooper bitch you know", Jimin huffed.

"C'mon Taehyung chill. There's no point in mourning now. At least spend the remaining time with laughter and smile", Namjoon said, trying to cheer up the Younger.

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