Chapter # 11

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So was that a confession earlier or what? Yoongi asked Jimin and he got froze in his position.


Author p.o.v

W-w-what are you talking about? I don't get it. Jimin stuttered.

I'm saying was that a confession earlier? Did Jungkook accepted that he has feelings for Tae? Yoongi said.

O-ohh. Y-yeah. He accepted that. Jimin said still stuttering.

What did you thought I was talking about? Yoongi said with a stern face.

N-nothing. Jimin said.

Then why are you keep stuttering? Like you're hiding something? Yoongi said taking a step closer to Jimin.

W-w-what are you talking? I don't understand. Jimin said taking a step backward.

Okay leave it then. Let's get going, I have a news to share with you all in the cafeteria. Yoongi said.

What news? Jimin said with eagerness in his voice.

I'm going to date Daniel from today. He proposed and I accepted it. You should accept Jimmy too. Otherwise you will be the only single in our family. Yoongi said.

In that moment Jimin's heart shattered in millions of pieces. Words couldn't describe the pain he felt in that moment. Sparkling water started to form in his eyes. His face showed the painful expression like somebody has stabbed him on his stomach.

A mere whisper was let out from Jimin's mouth. He couldn't manage to speak coz he was too shocked and was in too much pain that if he tried to talk, he may start crying.

Aren't you gonna congratulate me or anything? We're brothers from another mother. Yoongi said.

Y-yeah we're brothers from another mother. I hope you stay happy with him. Jimin said in a very low voice just like a whisper which can hardly be heard but because Yoongi was 1 footstep away from Jimin, he heard each word clearly. And saw as a tear roll down from Jimin's cheek which he was trying so hard to control but failed terribly.

Are you alright? You're crying or something? Yoongi asked not in a concerning manner which Jimin might be expecting.

N-n-no I'm not crying. I think I got something in the eye. Let's get back now. Jimin said in hoarse voice as a lump is started to form in his throat because he was trying too hard not to cry in front of Yoongi. He wanted to be happy for his Hyung but his heart is too tormented at the moment. He need fresh air as he started to feel the suffocation like he can't breathe anymore.

You should go back to others. I need to use the bathroom for now, then I will join you all. Jimin said as he tried his best to plastered a fake smile for his Hyung but the pain was evident.

Yoongi nodded. But anybody can guess that Jimin was in pain and giving a fake smile, so why Yoongi can't decipher? After being this long together can't he understand that his dongsaeng is in pain? Jimin thought.

His mind started to stab his own heart as he lost in his thoughts that they're not meant to be after all. He already prepared that he will bear all the pain by himself coz sooner or later Yoongi will have a girlfriend or boyfriend. So why is he crying? Is it because he didn't expect it this sooner? Or he still had hoped that he would convince Yoongi? But whatever it is now, he lost Yoongi completely now, and nothing can be done now.

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