Chapter # 32

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Author p.o.v

More than a month pass and Jungkook learned how to use the gun, he insisted everybody that he do wanna participate because staying home alone will bring boredom to him. After so much pleading and request he managed to get a 'Yes'.

Jungkook went into 3 different missions with the hyungs and he aced it. Everybody can't control them from praising him. Since Jungkook wanted to be on the action side, Taehyung too started taking participation in their little dirty works.

As they come from their little missions, everybody simply praise each other efforts and then went to their bedrooms. Some get tired and sleep while some enjoy the night, making it worth it and call it a night.

It was Saturday evening, they all were still on their beds and spending it lazily when Jimin's voice resonated around the house calling everybody in the living room. They all were still on their PJs when Jimin announced that they'll be leaving for club in 1 hour.

Giving a deadline and not much time made everybody quick to change into their usual black avatar. They were all in the car and were heading towards the club having small talk.

"Man I miss Hails", Hoseok said.

"We told you to leave with her. We would have manage without you too", Yoongi told him.

"Yeah but I wanted her to spend some time with her family and besides she will be back in a week".

"Then stop whining about it", Jin added.

"You guys just don't know what silence mean, do you?", Namjoon said with a sigh.

"You've been living with us for so long that you should know silence has nothing to do with us", Hoseok smiled.

Jungkook, Taehyung and Jimin were silent, listening to their hyungs everlasting whining and bickering then Jimin realized that he should inform Jungkook about tonight because the younger didn't know what their kind of clubbing means.

"Kookie imagine all the things that can make you hard" listening to the words Jungkook immediately turned red. Jimin added "And when we will enter in the club just go to the chick you like, grind on her, do some dirty talk and take her out with you from the back gate".

"Wait why? I-i don't wanna do that. I'm not straight", Jungkook said a deep red blush evident on his cheeks.

"This jerk didn't tell you a thing about all this. Did he?", Jimin eyed Taehyung.

"If he stop fucking or sucking for a second then he will tell him anything. He's getting horny and hornier every passing day", Hoseok said.

Taehyung immediately turned red glancing at Jungkook who has the same face color as his at the moment.

"T-that's not true... W-we didn't get a chance to talk about all that", Taehyung said in a small voice.

"That's what he is saying, you're so high now that you don't miss a chance", Yoongi added.

"Well enough with that Kook. Just understand this for now. Get hard, pick a chick, do some dirty talk maybe you have to kiss her too then offer her a drink. The drink will make her drunk so that's when you'll take her to back gate and you'll see room there. Your room number is 11 so took her there", Jimin explained him.

"Wai- whyy.. I-i mean do I-i really have to do that?", Jungkook was nervous and confused and a little angry on Taehyung for not telling him about any of it before. The worst part he has to see his boyfriend with some other girl!! How can he hide his jealousy and his anger?

Jungkook showed a death glare to Taehyung who in return showed an apologetic look to him. After 5 minutes of driving they were outside of the club, putting their mask and gloves on. The club is like for all kinds of rowdy people. So it was a special place for special people like them.

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