3. logan & doritos

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Don't go look at me with that look in your eye
- Marshmello, Anne-marie, Friends.

"That skirt is too short," Tanner told me Monday morning, eyeing the red and black plaid skirt I wore.

"Come on, don't ruin this. I planned this outfit in my head since the day I got them," I dropped my backpack on the counter and opened the cupboard to take out a bowl.

"It's way too high up above your knee. You can't possibly pick up your pencil if it falls," he pushed a box of Cheerios to me.

"In other words?" I poured some milk into the bowl before adding the cereal into it.

"You have to change the skirt."

"Yes sir," I rolled my eyes.

"Is Kaleb picking you up today? Or do I have to take you to school?"

"I get the feeling you might have to," I told him.

"Alright hurry up with your breakfast, then. Don't want to be late on the first day of resumption."

Sometimes, it felt like Tanner was my father. Yes, he could be playful and goofy, but some days, I wondered what got into him. He would be so serious and somewhat strict.

My school, Ridgeview High was almost a fifteen-minute drive from here, without the traffic. If I was unlucky to meet the traffic, I would get to school in twenty five to thirty minutes.

Trying to gobble up my breakfast, my phone vibrated. I picked it up, swiping across the screen and seeing a text from Kaleb pop up.

*I'm so sorry. Was going to pick you up this morning, but Sydney's car won't start. I'll make it up to you? Love you.*

I finished my cereal, went in to change my outfit entirely before replying Kaleb's text.

*That's fine. Tanner's dropping me off x.*

"Now, that's a better looking dress you have on," my big brother said, a smile on his face as he walked into the kitchen.

I'd changed into a short wine flare gown Kaleb had particularly told me to get. The idiot said I'd look like a princess in it.

"You look like a princess," I heard Tanner say and I groaned, rolling my eyes. What was it with these dudes and princesses?

"Can we go now?" I grabbed my backpack and slung it over my shoulders.

"I mean, I always taught you to say thanks, but have you taken all you need for today?"

"Yes sir, I have," I tiredly rolled my eyes.

If I wasn't careful, they'd be popping out one day because of he and Kaleb.


"Don't forget. Arrive at your classes early, be nice, turn off your phone, no boys yet, it's only the first day..." Tanner went on and on and I couldn't tell him to stop, but then, these were rules I'd been hearing ever since I started high school.

I always attended my classes, not very early sometimes and I was nice to whoever was nice to me. And my phone? I never turned it off because Kaleb and I liked to mess around in class with our phones, and did he say boys? I wondered if he knew I was yet to crush on any guy.

"... if you feel sick, go straight to the nurse—"

"Love you, brother," I interrupted, kissing his cheek and immediately getting down from the car

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