60. late nights & little lies

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❝What do you mean?
I'm sorry by the way
Never going back now
Be so sweet if things just stayed the same❞
- Harry Styles, Lights Up.

"Renée, you can't be keeping your phone on silent. I was so worried about you," Tanner said the moment I walked into the house.

"I'm so sorry," I apologized tiredly.

"You've never come in this late from work," he stated.

"It's been really busy at the bakery. There's a party there on Saturday," I explained, collapsing in the couch.

He ran a hand down his face, "Yeah, you told me... I forgot."

I smiled, "We're both tired."

"What did you have to do at work?"

"Well, we baked close to sixty five cupcakes today. "

"Uh, wouldn't that spoil before Saturday?"

I chuckled, "No, it won't. We're not putting any frosting on them yet. We just placed them in plastic wraps. That alone will make it last about 2 days at normal temperature... still fresh. We could have put in the frosting and then refrigerated it, but Sky wants us doing that Friday night."

"Look at you knowing a lot about cakes now," Tanner teased. "How did dress hunting go?"

"It was great," I grabbed the dress I got from my backpack, showing it to him.

"It looks good," he took it from me, examining the dress, and I smiled proudly.

"One question, why didn't it come in a bag?"

"I got this really cool sweatshirt for River and I had to leave it in the bag in his car because he didn't know I got it."

"How are you 17 years old? You're doing things 20 year-olds do," Tanner asked, amused.

I moved to hug him, "Remember when you tell me stories of how you took care of me even when you were still so young?"

He nodded, "One of my proudest moments."

I chuckled, "You were mature.  I think some maturity has rubbed off on me."

"Undeniably," he threw his arms around me. "I love you. Let's order? I'm too tired to cook, and clearly, you're tired too."


"Were you able to find a dress?" Kaleb asked me, taking a bite of his burger.

I nodded excitedly, "It's the most beautiful dress, Kaleb. I was too tired when I got home, if not, I would have taken a picture of it and sent it to you. Hey, you totally should come for the party on Saturday."

"Why should I go for a party of a child I don't know?"

"What child?" I furrowed my eyebrows

"The party on Saturday. Isn't it for a child?"

I laughed, "No, idiot. It's just a party that's being hosted by the bakery. It's for no one in particular."

"Right, right," he nodded, chuckling. "Then, I'm down. Uh, have you seen Harper?"

I chews on my burger, "Nope. I haven't seen her since after our last class together. She texted me to let me know she would be coming for lunch, though."

"Oh, okay," he nodded.

I felt a small smile play on my lips, "Why are you looking for her?"

"Nothing," he shook his head. "It just feels weird not seeing you with her."

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