61. unveilings & sweet endings

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❝The best things in life are already mine❞

                      — Zedd, Kehlani, Good Thing.

"Tanner, come on, do you have to?"

"Um, hell yeah. She needs to see the lady she gave birth to," he rolled his eyes.

It was almost five minutes, and Tanner had been taking pictures of me, saying he had to send them to mom.

It was the day of the party and the unveiling of River's work and I was a bit jittery. I was in my royal blue dress, my hair pulled back in a low bun which always looked good at anytime.

"Tanner, Tanner, that's okay — " I started.

"Nope. Come on, give me Rihanna. Give me Blake Lively... unleash your inner Zendaya," he said, trying to act like a professional photographer and I couldn't help but laugh.

He took a final picture before chuckling. He set his phone down and gave me a hug. "You look beautiful."

"Thank you," I smiled at him.

The door opened and Kaleb walked in, yelling, "Let's go— I look so underdressed beside you." He gaped at me.

I chuckled, eyeing his outfit. He looked casual in his ripped black jeans with a white t-shirt and a dark green jacket over it. "You look just fine, Kaleb."

"I agree," Tanner nodded. "Plus, those Adidas sneakers fit right with it."

Kaleb grinned, clearly enjoying the attention, "Thank you, my adorable fans. Rae, we have to leave. It's almost two."

"Relax," I playfully rolled my eyes. "We literally have twenty minutes left."

"Why do teens of today love to not respect time?" He muttered.

"Says the teen who always— like, always goes for doctor appointments twenty minutes late." I sneered.

"Ouch," Tanner chuckled.


I looked around, wondering where River was.

"Found ya," I felt him wrap his arm around me from behind and I smiled when he said, "I was looking for you."

"Me too," I turned to face him and my smile widened when I saw that be was putting on the sweatshirt I got for him. "I can't believe you put it on."

"What? The sweatshirt?"

"It looks so good on you," I nodded.

"Thank you," he smirked. "I want to kiss you badly right now, but if I start I don't think I would be able to stop."

I chuckled, "Hey, control your emotions, River Jenson. Last thing we want is giving everyone a free movie to watch."

He planted a kiss on my temple, "Nothing matters when I'm with you. Did you make the cupcakes? They are amazing. And the brownies?"

"Me, Zuri and Nolan worked on the cupcakes, brownies and donuts— Hey, that reminds me, Kaleb is here. You really should meet him." I took his hand and led him to where Kaleb sat with Harper, both of them laughing at something.

Kaleb's smile was full as he got up, stretching his hand forward at River, "Hey, it's nice to  finally meet you. I'm Kaleb, Renée never exactly shuts up about you."

River chuckled in response, showing his hand too, "Nice to meet you too, man. I'm River. I think we're going to be good friends." His gaze landed in Harper and he smiled at her, "Hey, it's nice to meet you too."

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