46. appearances & sweet evenings

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"You don't need to worry about making me crazy

'cos I'm way past that."

- Ariana Grande, Tattooed Heart.

Just as River had promised, he did make an appearance at the bakery. It was Thursday evening and my heart fluttered when I saw him walk into the bakery, a serious look that turned into a smile the moment he laid his eyes on me.

After speaking briefly, he suggested that we left the bakery and drive somewhere. I wasn't amazed when it turned out to be the same park in which we had kissed for the first time. Okay, maybe I was amazed. We both were, because River hadn't even remembered his way there before.


She looked really beautiful, but then, she always did. Even when she had been down with that flu and I went over to her house, I thought as the memory of that day came rushing in my head. This time, she laid on the grass, looking very comfortable even with the way the soft breeze messed with her hair. Sometimes I felt like she didn't know how beautiful she was. I remembered she said I was her first crush, so just maybe no guy had told her she way. Not that she needed a guy to feel beautiful, but she needed to hear it.

I sat beside her as I watched her, her eyes closed and even when her eyes fluttered open, I didn't take my eyes off her.

"You know, it's crazy that even with my eyes closed, I could feel your gaze," she said, a smile on her face.

I chuckled before saying it, "You're beautiful."

"I know," she looked away, turning a bit pink.

"Do you, really?" I cocked an eyebrow.

She then shrugged, "I mean, there are days I feel beautiful, and there are days I don't feel it and I just look in the mirror and say hell nah. But it's a girl thing, I guess. We don't feel cute all the time."

"Well, you're beautiful," I licked my lower lip in a swift motion.

"In that case, you're gorgeous. Have you met you?" She grinned.

"Shut up," I laughed.

"I'm serious, though," she playfully scowled.

"Well, thanks," I poked her cheek, causing her to giggle, "Stop."

I poked it again, "It's oddly satisfying to do," I repeated the action.

She laughed, "You know what would be oddly satisfying for me?"

"What?" I asked, poking her cheek again.

"Kicking you in the place where no guy prays to be kicked."

"Now, that's dangerous play," he said and we laughed.

She hummed, "How's the painting going?"

"It's going great. I'll be done soon, and I can't believe it."

"Why?" She looked at me.

"At first when Skylar contacted me for the job, I didn't think I could do it."

"How did you get "discovered"?" she smiled at her choice of words.

"Through Instagram," I ran my fingers through my hair. "Skylar texted me. Apparently, the person who was supposed to do it, came up with some story about how he couldn't do it anymore, so she found my page on Instagram and asked. It was going to be the biggest job I ever did so that scared me a little. But hey, the pay was reasonable so I agreed, and here I am."

"You don't know how talented you are, River," she stated. "I know you're going to get recognized a lot more than this. That's how good you are."

I looked back at her, not saying anything. This was one of the things that drew me to her. She had this belief in me that pushed me. The way she was supportive and concerned about my work and what I did. Renée was someone I never wanted to lose.

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