58. party plans & busy weeks

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❝Oh, I've been dazed and confused
From the day I met you
Yeah, I lost my head
And I'd do it again ❞
- Ruel, Dazed and Confused.

My eyes fluttered open and I was immediately met with River's sleeping face. His breathing was slow and not exactly steady, but I understood it was because of his cold. His lips were a bit curved, making it appear like he was smirking. I reached up and stroked a finger along hi jawline.

Okay, but, why was he so gorgeous?

I grabbed my phone, squinting at its brightness as I caught a glimpse of the time. 6:23pm. Remembering that I had school tomorrow, I sat up, throwing my hair into a bun.

"Are you leaving?" I heard River ask, followed by a shuffling sound beside me.

"Yep, it's almost 6:30," I answered, turning to face him.

"So? You could always stay over."

"I have school tomorrow."

"I can take you to school, that's not a problem," he shrugged.

"What? Do you want me to go to school without clothes?" I asked, amused.

"Heck no," he replied immediately and I grinned, "Do you feel better?"

He sat up, nodding as he ran his fingers through his hair. "I should feel fully better by tomorrow. Are you ready? I'll take you home?"

"Uh, no you won't. I got myself here, I can take myself back home," I caught a glimpse of the box of donuts which now had four donuts left in it. "Hey, sweet tooth, make sure Riley has some donuts." I kissed his forehead.

"Thanks for coming over, babe—" he paused. "That just rolled off my tongue, but I absolutely loved it," his face held a teasing smile.

"I like it," I chuckled.


"So, we'll be needing over a hundred and fifty cupcakes, donuts, gourmet brownies... I'm thinking cheesecake—" Sky was saying.

"How about strawberries covered in chocolates? I'm just thinking," Marnie suggested, and Zuri nodded, writing it down when Sky approved, saying that would be a great idea.

"How about drinks?" I asked.

"Definitely the smoothies are a must. We could have ice cream, but in cones. Um, milkshakes too. There'll be older people. So, fresh beverages and coffee would be great," Sky answered, eyes on Zuri as she wrote those down too.

"Now that we've gotten all those down, we've got to divide the labour. Renée, Zuri and Nolan, I think, should handle the cupcakes, donuts and brownies." Sky pressed her lips together. "Marnie can work on the chocolate covered strawberries, and since Nolan is superfast at working, he can help Marnie when he's done with what he has to do. I'll work on the drinks woth the others. Is that okay?"

Me, Zuri and Marnie nodded, while Nolan asked, "Are we going to get paid extra? I mean..." His voice trailed off.

Sky facepalmed. "Yes, Nolan. Yes, you will all be paid extra," she let out a breath. "I know we've got a busy week ahead of us, and today's already gone, but we have to get everything ready and done by Friday evening. I know you can all get it done, and I genuinely appreciate all of you."

It truly was going to be a busy week. The bakery was hosting a little party on Saturday. That was also the day when the art River had worked on will be unveiled, and as excited as I was, I already felt tired for the all the work I would have to do this week.

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