51. birthdays & surprises

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❝ My kind of time's meant to carelessly spend

And my kind of nights are the ones that don't end

My kind of fun doesn't make any sense

And my kind of love you won't ever forget❞

- Alessia Cara, My Kind.

River burst into laughter, causing a rumbling in his chest, and I looked up at him with sleepy eyes. His eyes remained on the TV though, his hands playing lazily in my hair and I liked the feel of it. He laughed again and I used the opportunity to intertwine our legs together. He looked down at me, "You really should watch this show with me, Renée."

"I would, but I'm so tired," I replied, yawning.

And I really was. Immediately after school, I went to work. Luckily, Sky let me work until five and River waited for me while I worked. Right after, we came to his house. While I worked on my homework, he laid down, watching The Other Two.

I groaned, "How am I so tired already? It's only Monday."

"Well, you had to work," he looked down at me. "Will you stay for dinner?"

I nodded, rubbing my eyes, "Mhm. That reminds me, so my dad wants us to have like a family dinner, and my mom wants you to come."


"So, I'll get to see your dad?" I mused, and Renee chuckled, "Does that scare you?'

"Well, is he intimidating?"

"He's in the military."

"Who do you think you're trying to scare, Renée? I know your dad's a lawyer."

She laughed, "You have nothing to worry about. I'm sure my dad will love you. Just come dressed in tux, Italian shoes and gelled hair."

"What?" I retorted in horror. "Gelled hair? Italian sho—"

She burst out laughing and I rolled my eyes, "Are you messing with me?"

"It's so fun to," she nodded, chuckling.

"You're so silly," I poked her cheek and she groaned, "River."

"You secretly love it," I smiled and she rolled her eyes, yawning.

"It's only pregnant women who yawn so much." I told her.

"How did you know that?" She asked, clearly amused.

"When my mom was pregnant with Riley, she was a yawning mess."

"I'm really tired," she closed her eyes and I poked her cheek annoyingly, "What do you want for your birthday?"

"Nothing," she answered sleepily. "Wait... no, fro-yo... and you."

"That all?"

"Mhm," she nodded, and then, fell asleep slowly.


It was almost an hour since Renee fell asleep, and after another episode of The Other Two and my hands playing lazily in her hair, I felt myself starting to fall asleep.

The knock on the door stopped me from drifting off to sleep, though.

"Come in," I called lazily.

Mom poked her head in, a smile on her face, "Aw, look how cute you two are."

I chuckled, "Mom."

"Dinner's ready. I'm sorry it took so long, but Riley was ticking and I had to channel all my focus on her."

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