28. helpful workers & working plans

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I stayed in place, surprised. That was Zee. The face. That was her. Why hadn't I looked in time? I watched her drive away with absolutely nothing I could do at that moment. I just couldn't believe my eyes. I had to see her again. To talk to her at least.

"Hey Renée, is everything okay?" Marnie asked me.

I swallowed and nodded, "Yeah, I just thought I saw someone I knew."

I knew darn well though, that was Zee.

"Come on, I want to introduce you to my cousin." She said to me.

I followed her to where the blonde beauty stood behind a glass counter, her hair pulled up in a ponytail and a smile on her face. She almost had a striking resemblance with Marnie.

"Taylor, this is Renée, we work at the bakery together. And Renée, this is Taylor, my cousin."

After an exchange of pleasantries, I looked to the other lady behind the glass counter, the one Zee had been talking to. I excused myself quickly and made my way to her.

"Hi," I greeted, a small smile on my face.

The lady passed me a smile, "Hey there, I'm Tamara. I saw you looking at some products. Do you need any recommendations?"

I shook my head, "No, I don't, the products are great, though,  but I was just wondering if you, by any chance know the name of the lady who left the shop not quite long ago."

Tamara seemed to think for a while before saying, "No, I don't, sorry. Why?"

I sighed, "It's fine. She just looked like someone I know and I wanted to be sure."

"Though she's a loyal customer and now that I think about it, it's really bad that I don't know her name. She comes to get stuff here a lot, she's even gotten lots of discounts."

"Whoa," I retorted.

"How about you give me your phone number? If she cones again, I'll text you. You'll only just have to come on time."

My eyes widened, "You'll do that for me?"

"Sure, but don't forget. You'll have to come on time."

I nodded, "I will, and I promise I'm not up to anything sneaky."

Tamara chuckled, "I'm sure you aren't."

"Thank you very much once again," I gushed.

By the time I got home, Tanner wasn't back from work, so I decided to work on dinner. He always had food ready every time I got back from work so I was going to make some Mac and cheese. It was the only food I could make that I knew he will really enjoy. While cooking, I began to think of the possibilities of actually seeing Zee. Should I tell Tanner I saw her today? It was a few minutes past eight and the food was ready when Tanner finally came in.

"Ah, I smell Mac and cheese and it smells so good!" Tanner called the moment he walked through the front door.

"Yep! I smelt correctly. I made dinner."

My big brother kissed the top of my head, "It's exactly what I've been craving."

Minutes later, me and Tanner ate our food quietly. I looked at him, "Tanner?"

"Hmm?" He looked at me, his mouth full.

I played with my spoon. Should I tell him? Should I not?


I what? Maybe I should hold on till I was sure that was actually Zee. "— I'm grateful for you."

He smiled before reaching out to ruffle my hair, "I'm grateful for you too. You could be a pain in the butt, but I'm always grateful for you."

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