22. spoiled plans & wings

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❝He trying to roll me up, I ain't picking up❞
- Beyonce, Sorry.

"What is she doing here, Kaleb?" Sydney asked in an icy tone.

Beside me, Kaleb sighed and made his way over to his bed, "Syd, I-"

"Are you kidding me, Kaleb? I have been here for over an hour waiting for you to get back from where you went, you finally come, but with... her?" She looked at me in disgust.

"Syd, Rae was having a bad morning-"

"Well, seems to me like she had been running to enter your room with the way she opened the door," she looked at him.

"We were going to play a game," Kaleb rolled his eyes and she looked at him in surprise, "A game right? Just a game... or she had other plans that doesn't include games."

"Sydney, stop it," Kaleb said sternly before throwing a quick glance at me.

I wasn't ready for this at all. I just leaned against doorframe, staring straight at her.

"What? I bet there's nothing wrong with her. I bet it's all part of her plan so she can spend every time she can with you," she turned to look at me, "But guess what, bitch, it won't work and you know why? I'm Kaleb's-"

"Sydney, I said stop it. Stop it," he swore under his breath and before he said anything else, I turned to leave.

"Rae!" I heard Kaleb call, but really, what was the point? He wouldn't ask Sydney to leave, would he? And in the end, he would be stuck with two girls who would stress him the hell out by just going back and forth.

"Renée, honey," Phoebe said just before I reached the door.

I tucked a few strands of hair behind my ear and looked at her.

"It's Sydney, isn't it?" She asked lowly. "I'm sorry, I should have told you the moment you came in, but you ran so fast."

I shrugged and forced a smile, "It's okay. I'm used to Sydney already."

Wrong. In fact, I just realized I would never be used to her and the things she said or did. She always found new ways every time.

"How do you feel? I mean, the fact that he has a girlfriend who feels threatened by you, when there's actually nothing going on between you two. How does it make you feel?" She asked.

I shrugged again, "It's tiring. Really tiring. Nothing me or Kaleb say can convince her," I paused. "I hate that I cause their disagreements. Sometimes I want to back away, but I can't. Kaleb's been my best friend for years. Why should someone he met this year ruin it?"


"Did you beat Kaleb so fast?" Tanner laughed when I walked into the house.

"We didn't play," I mumbled.

"Did something happen?" He asked me.

"Sydney was there," I answered tiredly.

"What is wrong, though? You've been so moody since last night," Tanner looked directly at me. "Plus, I know you're not on your period. I didn't buy that lie and I know Kaleb knows I didn't buy it either."

I rolled my eyes and threw myself down on the couch then looked at him, "Why aren't you at work?"

"There's not much to do there today," he answered.

"Can we have wings?" I asked in a quiet voice.

"You're strange," Tanner pinched the bridge of his nose. "The only time you actually appreciate wings is when you're stress eating."

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