56. bad moods & assurances

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❝You don't know, babe
When you hold me
And kiss me slowly
It's the sweetest thing

- Daniel Caesar, H.E.R, Best Part.

It was safe to say that seeing Chloe's name pop up as the caller on River's phone made something feeling like rocks settle in my stomach. Were the two of them still speaking? Why was she calling him? What did she want to say? Why-

"Renée," my thoughts were interrupted when I heard mom call firmly. Immediately, I looked at her, feeling River's eyes on me as I answered, "The food is amazing, yeah."

Tanner laughed, swallowing the food he was chewing, "She asked how school was going."

"Oh," I laughed awkwardly. "School's good. Term's coming to an end, so work is piling, but I'm getting them done one after the other."

"Well, that's good," dad stated, nodding.

Mom shot me a half-worried look before going back to eating her food. In that moment, I felt River's hands cover mine under the table, giving it a gentle squeeze. I relaxed and sighed inwardly. Maybe I was just over thinking... or maybe not. The possibilities of reasons why Chloe could be calling him was endless.

That bothered me, but in order to avoid being caught in another awkward moment, I pushed the thought of Chloe aside.


"Mom, can I get some food to take away?" Tanner stretched, walking into the kitchen.

"For you and your sister?" Mom looked back to him.

"No, for me. She should ask for herself," he replied, running his fingers through his hair as he threw a quick glance at me.

"Mom," I called. "Do you sometimes think that maybe I was meant to be the older one between me and Tanner?"

Mom chuckled, going to grab a few Tupperware, when I felt something hit the side of my head.

"Ow!"I yelled.

"Oh come on, you're just looking for attention. That was a sponge I threw at you," he rolled his eyes.

"Whatever. I'm telling mom how you spent my birthday money."

"What do you have to tell me, baby?" Mom queried, walking back into the kitchen with some Tupperware.

Tanner's eyes widened as he looked at me, causing me to chuckle, "Nothing."

I looked out of the kitchen and caught River's gaze even though dad was speaking to him, but I looked away almost immediately.


The walk with River back to his car was not awkward, but it was not exactly comfortable either. He had to come with his car because Tanner had informed us that after dinner, he had plans on stopping by his office briefly, and we didn't have plans on following him.

"Your parents are awesome," River commented the moment we got into the car.

I nodded slightly, not looking at him, "I'm sure they love you."

"Are you okay?" He asked, and I nodded again, tucking my hair behind my ear, "Yeah, I'm fine."

He looked at me weirdly and with a small smile on his face, he said as he started the car, "Well, uh, you might want to put your seat belt on."

I leaned in the seat after putting my seat belt on, looking outside the window. He had only pulled out of my parent's driveway and hadn't driven too far when he questioned, "What's wrong, Renée?"

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