48. wins & rebels

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"Teenage kicks right through the night"

                                                              - One Direction, One Way or Another (originally by Blondie)

"Sydney? As in Kaleb's Sydney?" River looked at me, his eyebrows raised.

I nodded due to my inability to speak. If nothing had ever shocked me, Sydney's possible disloyalty to Kaleb shocked me. She had seemed proper into Kaleb... or maybe she didn't mean anything by what happened with River? I was filled with confusion. Well, maybe she didn't, but that didn't mean that she couldn't be having things to do with other guys. Something told me to be bothered for my best friend.

I swallowed and looked at River, "I have a strong feeling Sydney's cheating on Kaleb," and I knew River shared my thoughts when he nodded, munching on the popcorn.

"I- I don't want to be the one who has to tell him," I tucked my hair behind my ear.

River squeezed my shoulder, "And you don't have to. You could talk to one of his friends or something."

I nodded. Maybe I could talk to Logan.

I felt River press a kiss to my cheek before returning to yelling while watching the game, and in that moment, I decided to push all thoughts about Kaleb and Sydney aside and focus on the game.


The loud shouts came from the other side of the bleachers.

Xavier's school had won, and instead of feeling disappointed, River's display of victory brought smiles to my face. I chuckled, "One would think you're a student of the school.'

"I mean, I can be happy for the school I attended for a few years."

"Xavier isn't going to let me be now, is he?"

"Probably not," River laughed.

"Thank God I didn't place a bet on it. By the way, did he ever give him the fifty bucks?"

"Nah, I took twenty from him."

"How nice of you," I teased and looked down at the bowl of popcorn to grab some when I saw it was empty. I looked at River, my eyes wide, "You really did finish it."

"My sweet tooth will be one of the deaths of me, I swear," he smiled.

"You owe me like a million frozen yogurts for this," I looked around. "Is Xavier joining us to leave?"

"I'm pretty sure he'll be celebrating with the guys tonight, but let's go see him before we leave," River answered.

"Yo, we freaking won, bro!" Xavier yelled as he gave River a bro hug.

I playfully rolled my eyes and Xavier laughed, walking up to me as River went in the locker room to greet the other guys.

"How does it feel to lose now?" he asked. "It was a pretty good game, though. Why don't you just join the football team. I mean, you're great at Madden."

I laughed, "You're an idiot."

"Hey, River! Who did you bring with you?" One of the guys shouted, his eyes moving from River to me.

"That's my girl, Renée," River said, throwing a quick glance at me and I flushed a bit, smiling and waving to the rest of the team.

"Aye, she's pretty as hell. I've been telling you guys, school is a shit place. Why don't we drop out too?" Another guy, a black guy said, causing everyone in the locker room erupt in laughter, including me.

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