52. celebrations & gratitude

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❝ We ain't got the sunshine

But we got hearts in our chest

To feel a love like this

Stronger than anyone else 

- PRETTYMUCH, Summer On You.

"Uh, way to go for ruining the surprise, Nolan," Zuri rolled her eyes at Nolan who stood, his mouth forming the perfect 'o'.

"Wait... I-I thought I was supposed to—" He started.

"Yes, idiot, you were supposed to wait until much later," Marnie facepalmed.

I soon zoned out and just still stood in awe, though. That was a beautiful painting of me. It looked almost... real. I looked around for River, ignoring Zuri go back and forth with Nolan who clearly wasn't owning up to the fact that he had made a mistake. I felt strong arms wrap around me from behind and a smile crept up to my face when I caught a whiff of River's cologne.

"Happy birthday," he said into my neck softly.

I smiled, not turning to look at him, "It's so beautiful."

He pressed a kiss to my shoulder, "Nolan is an ass, though. He wasn't supposed to bring it out, now."

"It doesn't take away the beauty of it, though," I replied. "This is one of the best surprises ever. I love it."

Sky walked up to where me and River stood, a wide smile on her face as she clapped her hands. "I'm sorry to interrupt your love time," she flung her arms around me. "Happy birthday, Renee. You're a good one."

"Thank you so much, Sky," I replied and she pulled away, looking back to where other workers stood, probably still on Nolan's case. "Hey! Where's the cake?!"

"Right here!" Zuri and Marnie called, pushing in a trolley with a cake on it.

"There's a cake?" I asked, eyes wide, and I felt a flash go off on my face before hearing River mutter to himself, "Dang, I thought I turned out off the flash."

I looked at River and he smiled a cheeky smile.

"I mean, this is a bakery, plus, you deserve it," Nolan winked.

It was a simple but really pretty cake. A tall, red velvet cake with loads of whipped cream and cherries on the top.

Nolan launched into singing me the birthday song on the worst high note ever and that caused me to chuckle. I stood, not knowing what to do while everyone sang to me, River recording every moment on his camera.

"Wanna get away  after this?" He leaned into me.

"Mhm," I smiled, nodding.


"It's a lot of fries, River," I was seated on the hood of River's car. We were back to our favorite place to be now and I pushed my hair away from my face, feeling the wind blow softly.

"You're the birthday girl," he called from inside the car.

"I can't finish them all by myself."

River chuckled and got out of the car, closing the door with his left leg as there were two tubs of frozen yogurt in his hand.

"You got fro-yo!" I clapped excitedly.

"Well, that's what my girlfriend wanted for her birthday, so why not?" He set them down beside me and stepped in between my legs.

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