11. smoothies and hot names

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❝But I won't go, do you hear me?
I'll be sure not to leave 'fore you know my name

- Alessia Cara, Girl Next Door.

"Renée McCann, it's been over a week since I told you to call mom and dad," Tanner came into the kitchen, a stern look on his face.

"I totally forgot!" I gasped.

"What do you mean you forgot? Mom called this morning. She doesn't even know you have a job. And you know she needs you to call."

"I promise I'll call them today," I looked at him. It was Sunday afternoon and I was struggling with my biology homework, my lips pursed in frustration.

I heard Tanner sigh, "Homework?"

"Yes. Stupid homework."

"What is it?"

"Biology," I let out a breath.

"I'd help you, but I guarantee it's be total nonsense, so let's not go there," he walked to the refrigerator and took out a bottle of water.

"It's fine, I'll just text Kaleb," I said, and that was exactly what I did.

*Hey did you finish your homework on biology?*

It didn't take him two minutes before he replied,

*Nah, I'll do it tonight or tomorrow morning. Did you do it yet?*

*I tried, but I couldn't finish. I'll copy yours tomorrow. Love you.*

I kept my phone away and closed my text, jumping off the high stool and was about to leave the kitchen when Tanner called me back, "We have to talk."

"What's up?"

"I know-"

"That I used your cologne unsparingly? I'm sorry, it just smells really good."

He looked at me in surprise, "Well, since you just opened that chapter, we'll talk about it later-"

I face palmed. What was wrong with me?

"— I was going to say I know we made a deal about this working thing. So, what's the conclusion? Do you feel like you want to continue or not?"

I could say no, that way things will be back to normal after school, but the cute guy at the bakery came to mind. Yesterday as Kaleb said, we were making progress. If I stopped working, I wouldn't see him again. So, I let out a breath and nodded, "I'll continue."

I really hoped it would be worth it, though.

"Okay, I didn't expect you to want to continue but that's great. You're liking the place, aren't you?"

I shrugged, "It's alright."

"You know, Kendall asked of you yesterday and if you had started working at the bakery. I told her you were grateful."

I looked at him, "You know that not true, though."

"Hey, at least you like the place."

"I said it's alright. Even if I did like the place, that didn't mean you had to lie against me," I rolled my eyes.

He chuckled, pulling my cheek, "You're difficult, you know that?"

"Oh, please. We know I got that from you. That's my justification," I kissed his cheek, about to leave the kitchen when I heard my big brother's voice stop me again, "Renée, as soon as you get into your room, call mom and dad. Seriously, if I call mom tomorrow and she tells me you've not called her, I won't take it lightly with you."

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