39. invitations & disappointments

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❝We're  falling apart, still we hold together
We've passed the end, so we chase forever❞
- The Chainsmokers, Phoebe Ryan, All We Know.

"This is so good," I said, referring to the food as I swallowed some of the chicken salad I'd chewed on.

"Told you," River looked at me, a knowing smile on his face.

"Thank you very much, Renee," Maddie smiled warmly. "So, how are your parents?"

"They are very well," I nodded, a smile on my face.

"River told me you don't live with them?"

"That's true," I nodded again."My parents live almost an hour away. I live with my brother who's out of the university. I pretty much grew up attached to him," I smiled.

"Just like Riley is to River," she chuckled and my eyes darted to the two of them which caused my heart to melt. I couldn't get over how cute they looked being playful with each other at the moment and looking like they were having their own serious, private conversation.

"He's a good brother to her."

"Yes, he is," she looked proud. "And how's school and your work?"

It made me happy that River had been talking about me to his mom. "School is good and I love the bakery. I mean, that's where I met River." I threw a quick glance at him, smiling.

"River, can I come with you to the bakery one day?" Riley looked at River.

"Why not?" He replied, ruffling her hair and causing her to chuckle.

"Well since bakeries reminds me of cakes and whatnot, Riley's birthday is next Saturday and we're having a small party for her. It would be great if you could be there," Maddie looked at me.

"Oh my gosh, really?" I looked at Riley with a wide smile on my face and she nodded big, excited as she said, "Yes, yes, yes, Renée, please come!"

"I'd love to be there, and yes I will be there," I looked from her to Maddie, still smiling.

Riley clapped her hands in excitement, and in the process, she started shrugging her shoulders, but looking somewhat uncomfortable as she did so. I looked at River almost immediately, and he looked back. I knew it was a tic. My gaze averted back to Riley who was now trying to go back to eating her food. She would pick up her fork, but it would drop back to the plate because she kept shrugging.

Maddie looked at me, her soft eyes looking even softer, if that was possible and my heart broke for her. Undeniably, she was a great mom and having to do it alone while her husband worked in another country was hard, I knew.

"River must have told you about Riley..." She said softly.

"Yes," I nodded, swallowing. "And I honestly hate that she has to go through that."

Maddie nodded. "Sometimes, she tics when she gets really excited. That's just what happened now."

"I understand," I replied.

"I'm full," Riley spoke up, clearly she had relaxed now and she patted her stomach. "I'll have the rest later." She then leaned in to give River a hug and Maddie smiled."We love her random hugs." She got up and kissed Riley's head before starting to pack up the plates.

"I'll help," I offered, picking up the other plates.

We both walked into the kitchen and after putting them in the sink, Maddie turned to me, "I'm so glad you came today and I met you. River talks about you often. You're so sweet."

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