45. revelations & explanations

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"I know that it's wrong, keeps me up all night

I'm telling me lies, saying I'm alright

I look in the mirror, don't see no tough guy

But I'll be fine."

- PRETTYMUCH, Gone 2 Long.

My heart plummeted against my chest. Oh no. Why was this happening? If at all I ever wanted Tanner to find about Zee, it wasn't this way. He held her gaze and the look on his face made me want the ground to open and swallow me.

"I- I'm sorry," was all I could I come up with.

Tanner looked at me in disbelief, "You're sorry? About what exactly?" He swallowed hard and my heart broke at the sight of the hurt in his eyes.

I tried to find the words to say, "I... I didn't want you to find out like this."

"I don't even know what's going on, but you lied to me." He let out a humorless laugh before walking to me, handing my phone to me.

"Tanner—" I called.

He had a resigned look on his face as he answered, "Take your phone."

I could tell he was mad as he walked past me after I retrieved my phone from him. I sighed, turning, "I'm sorry. I was just scared to tell you."

"Renée, scared? Did you just say scared?" He walked back to me. "Have I really made myself that unapproachable?"

I shook my head immediately, "No, but whenever I bring Zee up, you just shut down. If I told you I was going to hang out Zee, you probably wouldn't have let me leave the house. What was I supposed to do?"

"Right, so the best thing to do was lie? Okay. You keep asking and asking what went wrong with us and you never get an answer. Have you ever thought that maybe there's a reason I don't tell you?" There was anger in his eyes and it had been on very few occasions that I'd seen him this angry.

"You can't blame me," I mumbled.

"I really can't. Because you just don't know when to leave stuff alone. You were with Kenz today? Great. Why didn't you ask her? She probably would have been happy to tell you," he shot.

"She didn't, though," my voice dropped. "I've asked her twice on different occasions now and she wouldn't tell me either."

"So, it's not just been today? What the hell do—" he stopped. "I cheated."

I froze where I stood. I couldn't have heard right. There was no way I could have heard right, and before I could say anything, Tanner added, "I cheated, alright? There. I cheated on Mackenzie. That's what you've always wanted to know. Happy now?"

I was at a loss for words. He cheated on Zee? I was filled with so much shock, I was speechless.

"So now that you know, what will you do about it?" The emotion in his eyes before walking away spoke tons and he left me in surprise and disbelief.


"Hey, bubbles," I looked at Logan who had a smile on his face as he walked towards me.

I shot him a smile as he sat beside me, "Hey Logan."

We were seated on the empty bleachers by the field where the football players had their trainings and had games.

"Shouldn't you be having basketball training now?" I asked him and he leaned back, a cocky smile on his face, "Yeah, but coach likes me so I can bunk anytime."

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