5. new friendships & milkshakes

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My paradigm is to feel alive❞
- Bazzi, Somebody.

"The mail says to resume Saturday," I looked up from my phone to Tanner who sat on the counter.

"That's great, cutie pants. What did you say the name of the place is again?" He looked back at me, taking a bite of his waffles.

"I told you yesterday, old man," I chuckled. "It's Layers."

"Layers," he mused.

"Stupid name, I know," Kaleb spoke from where he sat on the island table, his eyes glued to his phone and I pushed his head forward, "Shut up."

He had come over minutes ago while I was still getting dressed for school.

"Renée seems more violent as the days go by," Tanner said jokingly and Kaleb burst out laughing, "You raised a tiger."

I tried to keep from chuckling, so I pushed a waffle into my mouth before taking a sip of my orange juice.

Kaleb's phone vibrated on the table and he picked it up as his eyes scanned the screen. I turned to Tanner, about to say something when Kaleb said, "Hey, we might have to leave now. Sydney's car is down."


"I bet nothing's wrong with her car," I said, looking out the window as Kaleb drove to her house.

"What?" I heard Kaleb say and I shook my head, "Nothing."

"I heard you, Rae," he sighed.

"So why'd you ask?" I grinned at him. "I was only saying. I think there's nothing wrong with her car. She just doesn't want you picking me up, but too bad because I'm here."

"Sydney can't possibly be lying about her car."

I nodded, "Alright."

He threw a quick glance at me as he pulled up to Sydney's house.

I watched her facial expression change the moment she saw me seated in the car.

"I can't believe you brought her, Kaleb," she said, not minding that I could hear her as she looked directly at Kaleb.

"Come on Sydney, I already got Rae before you texted me," Kaleb explained.

She rolled her eyes, "Whatever. She can move to the back now."

"What?" I raised an eyebrow at her.

Okay, I wasn't unreasonable. I knew what was right and appropriate, but I wanted to annoy her a bit before moving to the back.

"You heard me," she spat. "Move to the back."

"Why?" I didn't look at her.

"Why not? I'm his girlfriend."

"Miss me with that bullcrap," I fired and almost laughed at the expression on her face. Beside me, I saw Kaleb look tired and I instantly felt bad. I knew he didn't like that Sydney and I weren't friends and it stressed him out when we argued, so I opened the door and got out, looking straight at Sydney.

"Oh, look who came down," she had a smirk on her face.

"Shut the hell up, you," I opened the door to the back seat and got in.

I was irritated throughout the ride. Not only was Sydney trying to rub it in my face that she got the front seat— which was really immature, but she was also making indirect comments about my total dependence on Kaleb.

At a point I felt like I was going to take off my shoes and throw it on that head of hers, but I remembered that my mom had gotten them for me and they did cost a lot.

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