21. tears & second steps

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❝Big girls cry when their heart is breaking❞
- Sia, Big Girls Cry.

When I got home, I couldn't help it and the tears that had been threatening to fall since I saw River kiss another girl, fell and even streamed down my face. Nothing had made me feel so hurt like this before. I threw myself on my bed and cried.

After the sight, I'd walked back to the counter and tried to keep from crying. I couldn't explain how hurt I felt. I thought he felt the same way got me. I could bet he did. What about those kisses? Did they even mean anything to him? Was he just messing with me? Now, I saw Kaleb's point. River had been kissing me, yes. He had spent so much time with me and made me feel like I was the only girl in the world, but he never actually told me how he felt. He could as well have been doing that with other girls, only that with me, it felt so genuine, but something told me the girl he kissed earlier was his girlfriend. I felt the tears rush out even more.

Why hadn't he told me he had someone? Why did he keep spending so much time with me? Why did-

"Renée," I heard Tanner call and a knock follow.

I sniffed and quickly wiped off my tears. He knocked again and I managed to get out a 'come in.'

He opened the door and poked his head in, "Dinner's ready. Come on."

I shook my head, "I... I'm not hungry."

"What? Why?"

He entered the room, closing the door behind him, "Sweetie?"

I turned to look at him but I couldn't.

"Why wouldn't you eat?" He asked. "What's wrong?"

I shook my head again and felt my eyes well up with tears.

"You can't lie to me. I know something's wrong. What is it?"

By this time, he was right in front of me. I opened my mouth to say something but nothing would come out, so I just hugged him and cried while he wrapped his arms around me, patting my back softly.


I felt the sun on my face and heard Kaleb say, "What the... did you forget it is a school day today? How on earth are you still asleep?!"

My eyes fluttered open to see that Kaleb had opened my windows, and I rolled my eyes then closed them back, snuggling into my covers. They weren't closed for long because Kaleb had now placed his hands on my ankles and he started dragging me off the bed.

"Kaleb, stop," I groaned, but he laughed annoyingly. "Kaleb, I said stop it!" I yelled.

He instantly released my ankles and I put my pillow over my face.

"Rae, it's time for school," he pulled the pillow away from my face and I sat up immediately, grabbing my phone, "Kaleb... it's Saturday today."

His eyes went wide, "It is?"

I showed him my phone. "Yes. It is. Now you can leave me alone and let me get back to sleep."

"Don't you have to work today? Besides," he plopped down beside me on the bed, "Why are you so grumpy this morning?"

"Nothing," I answered curtly before laying back down and facing the other side.

He didn't say anything, therefore, making the room so silent. When I was tired of the silence, I sighed before turning to face him.

"Ready to talk now?' He asked me.

I nodded, " Remember how you're helping me get River to notice me?"

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