18. short tests & realizations

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I may not be a genius, just a girl with some reasons to stay Plain Jane
- Alessia Cara, Girl Next Door.

"What effrontery," was the first I said the moment I stirred and turned to see Kaleb sleeping right beside me. Remembering how he had literally bailed on me last night, I kicked him off the bed.

Expecting him to yell or do something, I waited for it, but when he didn't do anything, I moved to the edge of the bed and peeked at him to see that he was still asleep.


I rubbed my eyes immediately, bit my lip and then got off the bed as I walked quietly to the kitchen and grabbed a cup of icy cold water, going back to the room. I stood above him, a light smile on my face as I dumped it all over him.

"What the hell, Rae!" He yelled after he opened his eyes, "What was that for?"

"What was that for?" I mimicked. "I called and texted you last night!"

He ran a hand through his hair, "Jeez, I'm so sorry. I came really late and you had slept at that time."

"Whatever. You saved yourself stress. With your help or not, I'll be failing anyway," I shrugged

"I'm sorry," he countered.

I grabbed my pillow and threw it at him.
"Stop saying you're sorry. It's okay. I did read my text yesterday. Didn't understand, but at least I tried and—"

There was a knock on the door before Tanner called out, "Renée, its time to wake up or you'll be late for school."

"I'm up!" I called back while Kaleb shouted, "What's up Tanner?!"

"Yo, what's up Kaleb," Tanner greeted back.

Really, the way these two greeted each other amused me.

"What time did you get here?" I turned to look at Kaleb who had taken off his shirt and was wiping his body with it."

"At about 10. Tanner was still awake then," he answered. "And, really, what got into you? You know I hate water sticking to my clothes."

I giggled annoyingly, "Do you really? Because last time I checked, sweat sticks to your clothes after all the basketball you play. Seems to me like you're already used to it."

He rolled his eyes.


After I'd gotten dressed for school, me and Kaleb said bye to Tanner, and he drove to his house so he could freshen up.

While Kaleb sang rather loudly and quite horribly in the shower, I sat in the kitchen with Phoebe as she cleaned the counter.

"What's funny is, this guy can actually sing. He just chooses to sound like that," I shook my head, referring to Kaleb.

Phoebe laughed, "Tell me about it. He has me worried sometimes," we laughed.
"But I could never trade him for anything," she added.

"Never," I shook my head.

"How are you, Renée? It's been a while since we actually talked. Is everything okay?"

"Yes, everything's fine. Except I have a test today, and well, you know how bad I do in my tests," I bit my lip.

"Hey, I really think you should keep pushing. Or, maybe find new methods to study?" She looked at me with concern.

"Yeah, I guess. I mean, I'm only used to one method of studying."

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