10. cancelled dates and hangouts

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❝Not into fancy clothes, I'm rockin' baggy jeans
Gettin' too close for comfort
But comfort is what I need.❞
- Anne-Marie, Perfect.

I eyed the last piece of pizza that stayed in the box, and I knew Kaleb's eyes were on it too. I brought my eyes to Kaleb's, narrowing them as I spoke up, "So, you're saying I should throw myself at him?"

"No, Rae," he rolled is eyes. "What I'm saying is, be there—"

"I told you he's only there for a job. He never orders anything, so how do I be there?" I said the last two words mimicking him.

"Who says you have to stop going to ask him if he needs anything. That's what I'm saying, Rae, be there. At least, let him tell you he wants you to stop coming to meet him. Until then, keep going. Keep asking."

"Just ask what he wants?"

"Yep. He'll get used to how you come every time. He'll get used to your presence."

I nodded slowly, "Right. Got it."

"Also, don't try too hard. Don't try to make conversation like you've been doing. Just do your duty."

"But if I don't make conversation, I'll never know his name, and he'll never know mine because I haven't gotten my name tag yet. Don't you get it? I want him to be the father of my kids."

Kaleb burst out laughing.

"What's funny now?" I rolled my eyes.

"Oh, the look on your face is. You look so serious. Rae, relax. You really shouldn't try too hard. It's a turn off. I know where this will all lead to if we stick to the plan, so, let's do that?"

I bit my lip as I went quiet before finally looking at Kaleb, "Are my boobs okay?"

He grabbed my shoulder and nodded, "They are perfect. I was only pulling your legs when I said what I said earlier. I mean, sure, some guys have a preference for boobs—" He slapped my hand away as he spoke, seeing that I had reached to take the last piece of pizza. He reached to take it and I slapped his hand away too.

"I should be the one to take it. I remember while I was eating a slice, you were on your second piece."

"It's not my fault you were eating too slowly."

"Just leave it, Kaleb."

"I paid for the pizza, I should eat last of my money."

"You're a guy, for Pete's sake. You should be a gentleman. How do you even have a girlfriend?"

"One, I'm hot-"

Cocky idiot.

"- Two, of course I would be a gentleman and impress Sydney or whatever girl that's not you. You know darn well I won't try to impress you."

"Of course," I mumbled. "You can't take a dump in Sydney's house."

The door opened and Kaleb's mom, Phoebe poked her head in, "Kaleb, Hudson wants to talk to you. Call him before the day ends-"

While Kaleb nodded and said an 'okay', I remembered that I hadn't called, my parents even after Tanner had told me to. I had to call them at least tonight or tomorrow morning.

"-Renée, you have to stay for dinner. I looked online for healthy dinner recipes and I saw one I know you and Kaleb will love."

"Really? What is it?" I asked her, a smile on my face.

"Beef stew and spinach pitas," she said proudly.

"Sounds good," Kaleb said.

"Exactly what your dad said. I can't wait for you guys to try it," her eyes sparkled before they fell on the box of pizza between us.

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