38. unexpected meetings & bold moves

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❝Let me catch a vibe, let's just take our time
Just relax your mind, and take it easy❞
          - DaniLeigh, Chris Brown, Easy (Remix)

"So, I've been working on a new recipe for my amazing spaghetti Bolognese," Tanner told me the next morning as I laid on the couch, scrolling through my phone.

"Really?" I looked at him as he walked into the living room, mixing something in a bowl. "Is that it?" I asked excitedly, sitting up on the couch.

"Yep, but this is just for the sauce," he nodded.

"Can I taste it?"

"I was going to wait but since you're so eager and I'm also really eager for you to taste it, open your mouth and close your eyes," he came closer to me and I did as he said.

I felt the spoon enter my mouth, the content dropping into my mouth.

No, this didn't taste right.

I immediately spat it out, wiping my mouth, "Ew! Tanner!"

My brother was laughing maniacally, almost rolling on the floor and I looked at him in disbelief. "What was that?"

"You just had a really nice mixture of ketchup, orange juice and peanut butter," he kept laughing.

"Oh my, Tanner! Why would you do that?" I asked in surprise.

"It's so fun to mess with you," he ruffled my hair, chuckling.

He and Kaleb loved to do this, and that was what Kaleb would say when he popped a Mentos in my soda or hid my shoes, and speaking of Kaleb, since he was coming over this evening, then I would have to be back home on time.

"What time would you be out today?" Tanner asked, walking into the kitchen to discard the disgusting mixture of what he had created.

"River says he'll be here by 1," I followed behind him and sat on the high stool.


The doorbell rang at exactly quarter past 1 and this time I was fully dressed and ready.

"Renée! River is—"

"I know, I know," I giggled, kissing his cheek, "Bye."

I walked out the door and closed it behind me, but not before Tanner shouted a greeting to River. It made me happy that Tanner liked River as a person. That way I didn't have to bother about him not liking the guy I liked.

"You know, I've never met anyone older, and as free as your brother," River told me as we walked to his car.

"You won't believe what he did to me this morning!"

"Spill," he chuckled.

I went ahead to tell him how Tanner had successfully tricked me into having that horrible mixture of ketchup, orange juice and peanut butter.

"No way," River scrunched up his nose and then laughed.

We got into the car and I let out a breath and looked at him, "So, where are we going?"

He had a small smile on his face as he answered, "You'll see."

"Yeah, I expected that answer."

He let out a low chuckle, "If I tell you, there will literally be nothing for you to be curious about."

"So, leaving me in suspense does it?"

He winked as he shrugged, "That's the best way."

"Anyway, tell me, how's the job for the bakery going?"

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