14. apologies & new developments

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❝Girls like you run 'round with guys like me till sundown when I come through
- Maroon 5, Cardi B, Girls Like You.

"You can't buy my forgiveness with a milkshake, Kaleb," I gave him a pointed look before taking a sip of the milkshake he had handed to me.

"Well, if you think of it, I can," he grinned, plopping himself down on my bed.

"Really?" I rolled my eyes and he sighed, "I'm sorry."

"Are you really?" I looked at him, "What made you-"

"That's the point. I really didn't think she could say it."

I looked at him, surprised, "You're kidding, Kaleb. You've got to be. You know me and Sydney don't like each other. Definitely, she would do all she can to show she's better, so of course, when she hears what I have proposed to say, she would gladly steal the idea."

"I actually didn't tell her all what you'd planned to say."

"I still don't know why you two were having a conversation about me."

"Well, Sydney said she needed something to talk about, then I casually mentioned that you had said the same thing but found something already. Then, she asked-"

"In the most innocent voice, of course. She asked what I found. I know," I let out a breath. "Just remind me next time when I want to tell you something about Girl Up that I shouldn't."

"Hey, come on," he sat up on the bed. "Don't say that. Rae, I'm sorry, okay? I'll make it up to you, I swear," he ran quiet. "Are you still mad?"

I slurped on my milkshake, disregarding him.

"Fine, how about we play Madden next time? And we'll have cookie dough," he added.

Eating cookie dough was one of the many things me and Kaleb called our tradition. Phoebe would bake cookies and leave extra dough for us to feast on.

"And, donuts and coffee for a week?" I could feel a smile playing on my lips.

"You got it," he rolled his eyes after a while.

"Plus," I placed emphasis on the word. "My name shouldn't leave your mouth when you're with her."

"That depends, you know."

"You know what I mean."

He nodded, "Why are you just coming home by the way? Do you come home this late?"

"These days, yes."

"Why, though?"

"Well, for one, its just been busy at the bakery. And two, I just might be having discussions with River."

"Hey, you're supposed to be telling me these things!"

I felt my face light up in the widest smile.



I looked back, smiling at Logan who now came to lean against the locker beside mine.

"I'm sorry, I should have texted you or something. I have been trying all week to talk to you, but its one thing or the other that comes up."

I smiled at him, "It's fine, really."

"Are you okay now?" His eyes didn't leave mine.

"Am I okay now?" I raised an eyebrow, totally confused.

"Yeah," he dragged the word. "You were ill?"

"Oh, yes," I nodded. "Yes, I'm fine now." I chuckled and he ran a hand through his hair, "So, uh, do you mind us trying again this weekend?"

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