13. stolen ideas & giddy feelings

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You don't know nothing 'bout working your way from the bottom and earning every ring
- Kehlani, Did I?

The classroom used for Girl Up was filled with its 26 members. Charlotte sat in front of the class along with two other executives who sat by her side.

"So, uh Remi and Lilly will be representing us in the cook off taking place in one of our affiliate schools," Charlotte mentioned, throwing a glance at the two girls who sat, smiling and waving. "Second, our blog needs more content, and if there's anyone who has something to share that feels is relevant, and needs to be on the blog for people to read, please signify by raising your hands."

At this point, I smiled to myself, raising a hand up as well as three other girls. Including Sydney.

"Okay, let's hear you Sydney," Charlotte said.

I fought the urge to let out a scoff. Of course I knew Sydney would present her talk in a way that would make Charlotte think it was the best ever.

At that point, Sydney stood, flashing a smile at everyone before looking at Charlotte, "Confidence is a skill that should be taught."

Wait a minute.

My eyes widened. WHAT?

"Interesting," I heard Charlotte say. "Please go on."

"I say that because girls need to know how to be confident. They need people help them be more confident. Girls don't just believe in themselves-"

By this time, I could feel my heart race in anger. That was my idea! That was all I'd planned on talking about.

"-Kids at school calling her ugly, she can't get enough likes on social media, we all know the screen and magazine is filled with just one ideal body type. All these..."

I could feel my lips quiver as she kept speaking. I'd stayed up all night working on that, and only for my idea to get stolen. I could feel tears at the corner of my eyes and I blinked hard so it wouldn't fall.

"That's so brilliant, Sydney!" Charlotte gushed. "Yes, that should be on the blog," she smiled then turned to me, "How about you, Renée? What content do you have to bring to the blog?"

Sydney smirked at me, then smiled as I shook my head, "N- Nothing."

"Are you sure? You raised a hand."

I nodded, "Yeah. It's... It's nothing," I bit my lower lip and kept my folder away.

"Are you okay, Renée?" Harper leaned into me.

"I'm fine," I nodded, forcing a smile.

After that, I just couldn't wait for the end of the meeting, and that was why when Charlotte said we could depart, I threw my backpack over my shoulder immediately and said a quick goodbye to Harper.

I made my way to my locker, but hadn't even reached it when Kaleb literally ran to me, "I hope you're ready to get your ass beat in FIFA. Been looking forward to it all day."

I didn't look at him. I just kept walking.

"Rae? Are you okay?" He looked at me with furrowed eyebrows.

I got to my locker, opened it and took out some books, still completely disregarding his presence.

"Rae, what's wrong?'

"Don't ask me what's wrong, Kaleb. You know how long it took for me to come up with something for Girl Up, but you just had to give my ideas away to Sydney," I looked at him in anger.

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