54. reconciliations & break ups

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Chapter 54

  Healing and patience are lovers
Don't place the blame on your heart, just to make 'em stop
Just take your time to recover
'Cause it's easier said, it's easier said than done

                                - Alessia Cara, Easier Said.

"You've been quiet. It'll be okay if you yell or scream at me. I just want you to say something," Kaleb said, and I could tell he was struggling to look at me.

"I—" I cleared my throat. "I thought I was ready to hold this conversation, but I don't think I am," I spoke up, and we were quiet for a while before I sighed and stood to leave, "Never mind. I'm so dumb."

"No, Rae," Kaleb stopped me. "No, you're not. If anyone should say something, it's me. I'm a jerk. I'm sorry."

"Sorry can't fix everything, Kaleb."

"I know... I know I messed up—"

"Big time, Kaleb. You didn't call. Didn't text. Nothing at all."

"You were so mad."

"Of course, I was. You literally called me desperate."

"I'm sorry," he said softly.

"Jeez, I need you to stop saying sorry. Sorry cannot fix everything. Do you even know what you're saying sorry for?"

"I miss you..."

I rolled my eyes, about to say something when he said in an husky voice, "I was wrong. Very wrong. I should never have spoken like that to you. I should never have let Sydney get in the way of our friendship."

"You said you wouldn't. You promised."

"It was a big mistake. In fact, being with Sydney for that long was a mistake, but you know how much I liked her. You knew how red I would get when she merely said something to me. You saw me practice how to ask her out in the mirror," he let out a breath before he continued, "You're my best friend and you know me more than the majority of people in my life. You know that when I'm into something, I'm into it fully and completely. But I'm not trying to justify what I did. I'm sorry. I really didn't mean to hurt you. I hate that I did that, because you didn't deserve it. You tried to tell me, but I didn't listen. I'm sorry for what I said to you, you didn't deserve that either. I didn't text or call because I knew just how mad you were... and I felt like an asshole. This wasn't like any fight that we've had and I just didn't know what to do. It sucked, because at the end of the day, I just wanted to talk to you. I know you probably think these are just words, but I mean them. I'm sorry... I miss you," he finished with his eyes glistening.

I looked at him for a while before I quirked the corner of my mouth up, "You're a douche... and an idiot."

"I know," he nodded.

"But I wouldn't want any other idiot to be my best friend," I smiled, watching his mouth curve into a smile.

"I'm sorry about Sydney," I said quietly.

He shrugged in response, "It's fine."

I knew it wasn't, though. I could see that he was trying to act tough about it.

"It's okay if it's not okay, Kaleb. Just know that you deserve someone way better."

He nodded as he looked up at me with a smile, "You're right."

I gave him a tight hug briefly before pulling away, "Thanks for the birthday stuff."

"Did you like it?"

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