29. mom talks & rude girlfriends

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❝So I say we make the move, what's there to lose? We already lost everything that we had❞
- Jack & Jack, Tension.

"He did look jealous!" I squealed then looked at Kaleb who laid in his bed, earphones on.

"Hey! Listen to me!" I pulled the earphones out of his ear.

"What'd you do that for?" He looked at me.

"I was telling you, I really think River was jealous."


"Mhm," I nodded, "The look on his face when you walked out of the bakery was unbelievable."

"I hope he doesn't find me and kill me," Kaleb chuckled.

I rolled my eyes and sat beside him on the bed, "River's very different from other guys. He's like so gentle and calm and all that."

"I am gentle and calm."

"No, you're not," I waved him off. "Anyway, so what's the next plan?" I asked eagerly.

"Just always play long with whatever I do. You can't ever be lost," he answered, sitting up in his bed and running his eyes.

"Hey kids!" Phoebe called from the other side of the door. "Dinner's ready."

I raced out the door and to the kitchen, inhaling the amazing aroma of noodles and salmon and my mouth watered badly.

"Mom, this smells amazing," Kaleb said when he walked into the kitchen.

"It really does," I nodded.

Phoebe had a proud smile on her face, "Thank you. The site where I learned to make the beef stew and spinach pitas is the same one where I learned to make this using a different technique."

We got to eating few minutes later and the food was very satisfying.

"So, how's school going, guys?" Phoebe asked as she took a sip of water.

"School's good," I answered with a smile.

"Yeah? And how have your tests been?"

"They've been quite good, actually," I nodded.

"How's that? You found a new reading method like I suggested?"

My mind instantly went to River, "Well, ye-"

"Okay mom, so Rae has this crush-" Kaleb started.

"Renée  has a crush?" Phoebe turned to look at me wide eyed and I felt my cheeks burn.

"Yes, she does," Kaleb answered. "Anyway, there's this method where he asks Rae to read out her text to him. That way, when she's writing the test, she's able to remember what she's read."

"Wha-" She looked from Kaleb to me, "Who is this guy?"

I tucked a few strands of hair behind my ear, my cheeks hot, "His name's River."

"How aesthetic," Phoebe gushed.

"So is Kaleb," Kaleb quipped and Phoebe rolled her eyes playfully at him before she looked at me, "Is he in your class?"

I shook my head. "No, he isn't. He actually doesn't attend school. He's like an artist. So like he draws, paints and also gets paid."

"How old is he?" Phoebe asked.

"He's 17," I replied.

"No way."

"Impressive, right? So, I met him at the bakery where I work. He's doing like a drawing of the bakery scenery," I explained.

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