57. sick boyfriends & naps

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❝ There's nothing I want more in this world

Than somebody who loves me naked 

                                                 - Ella Mai, Naked.

"Dang, where is it?"

I stirred, pulling my covers with me as I did so. My eyes remained closed even as I knew that there was someone in my room. I could hear and feel the movements.

"Tanner?" I called groggily, and waited for a response from him. I opened an eye slowly, still sleepy. Heck, I just needed to know who was in my room.

"Come on, go back to sleep," I heard a voice say calmly.


"Kaleb." I called as I sat up, immediately making eye contact with him as his eyes went wide, "What's up?" He looked like a kid who had just been caught stealing candy.

"You tell me what's up, Kaleb Kaden," I looked at him.

"I know this looks bad, but I ran out of cologne, and I'm in desperate need of one, because you know I love to smell good," he let out a breath. "Now, I could have gone into Tanner's room, but we both know that guy sleeps with one eye open."

I chuckled, "It's due to reasons like this that he sleeps with one eye open. What are you even doing awake at this time of the morning looking around for cologne?" I looked at my phone, squinting. "It's 7:30am, Kaleb."

He sighed and plopped down beside me on the bed, turning to look at me blankly, "We're going to Aunt Irene's today."

"The one who pulls your cheeks nonstop?"

"That one," he nodded.

I stifled a laugh. Ha, I couldn't wait to see him with red cheeks in school tomorrow, "Oh come on, it probably won't be as bad. Did you come here to hide, then?"

"You know, now that you mention it, that would be a good idea. But mom knows I'm here. I know she'll take forever to get ready, so I came here to chill before we leave. Plus, I also need to smell good, remember?"

"Why on earth couldn't you just be normal and use your mom's perfume?"

"Uh, I low-key wanted to disturb you because I've missed you, douche bag," he flung his arms around me. "And, mom's perfume is way too feminine for me."

"And mine isn't?" I snorted.

"No, you usually smell a lot like Tom Ford," he shrugged.

"That's because I use Tanner's cologne," I laughed. "You played yourself, how do you feel? You've come here to leave smelling like lilies and strawberries."

"You're kidding," he looked at me blankly.

"Why do you think you couldn't find my perfume? I rarely ever use them anymore so I threw them somewhere in my wardrobe."

"This was a mistake," he muttered.

"A huge one," I grinned before getting off the bed and making my way to the bathroom. I needed to pee.

"You look like Rick this morning," Kaleb commented.

"Rick, as in from Rick and Morty?" I looked back at him. "You're insane, Kaleb. Hey, didn't season 4 just come out?"

"It didn't just come out, it's been out for some days now. Amazing season."

"You've watched it?" My eyes went wide.

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