19. celebrations & first kisses

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Nothing feels better than this❞
- Khalid, Better.

"I passed my test!" I literally screamed and unconsciously flung my arms around River, catching him off guard, but my heart melted when he chuckled.

It was a week now, and Mrs Colton returned our test results today. I had a B. I couldn't remember the last time I had a B in my test.

I realized my arms were still around him, immediately and awkwardly, I took a step back, pushing my hair away from my face, "I'm just so excited. It's been long since I had a B in any test."

He had a smile on his face, "It calls for a celebration, doesn't it?"

I shrugged, "Not really. It wasn't a major test. It was only a short test based on what my teacher had asked us to study. The major ones start this week. I have one tomorrow, in fact," I rambled.

"Well, you said it yourself that it's been long since you had a B in any test, right?"

I nodded slowly, "Mhm."

"Yeah, that's worth celebrating."

I chuckled and asked shyly, "How?"

He thought for a while, "Dinner."

I shook my head, "No, that's not necessary."

"If it'll push you to ace your other tests plus if it means spending extra time with you, then yes, it is necessary."

I felt my cheeks burn as colour rose to them, "What about your work?" My eyes dropped to his sketchpad and pencils which laid on the table.

"I still have time to complete it," he answered, "So, yes or yes?"

I nodded, "Yeah, fine."

"Perfect, "he grinned and started packing his things up. While he did that, I texted Tanner.

*Hey, I'll be coming in late. Don't leave any dinner for me. I love you.*


The Little Door was my favorite place to eat. I came here lots of times with Tanner, and I also remembered that he usually brought Zee here as well. He would bring us here for dinner sometimes. Nothing much had changed about the place. It was so beautiful and colorful at night.

I threw a glance at River, "I love this place."

"Yeah? I've been here just once but I found myself wanting to come back. How often do you come?"

"Not so often of late. I used to come with my brother and his ex girlfriend. Or I get stuff when he brings her alone sometimes."

His eyes sparkled, "It's romantic, isn't it?"

I flushed and nodded before replying in a quiet voice, "Very."

We both took our seats and a waiter came to us, handing us a menu each. He left us to decide what we wanted and together, River and I looked through the menu.

"The grilled steak here is great," I told him.

"In that case, we could have the grilled steak and the Greek corn salad," he said.

"And the sweet lemon iced tea, it's lovely too."

He nodded and when the waiter came back, we told him what we wanted. While we waited for our food to arrive, a song by Khalid came on and played softly in the restaurant and I recognized instantly that the song was 'Better'. Humming softly, I bobbed my head to the music.

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