50. finished works & more meetings

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❝Kiss me in your jammies by the fireplace
I'll listen close to every single word you say❞

"Come on, Renée!" River said after I failed to catch a skittle in my mouth.

"I'm trying! You're the one who isn't throwing the skittle well," I ran my fingers through my hair.

"Okay, let's do it again," River suggested.

"Okay," I nodded, then stopped. "Wait. Maybe, the skittles are too small."

"Well, it's all we have."

"Nope," I shook my head. "There are grapes in the refrigerator," I walked to the refrigerator and got out a box of grapes, handing it to River.

"I don't think the size matters, but okay," he threw a grape and again, I failed to catch it in my mouth.

River burst out laughing and I rolled my eyes, "You're just terrible at throwing, River."

"We both know you're the one who's terrible at catching."

"Let's do one more," I stated.

"Okay," he shrugged and then threw it again, but this time, I was able to catch it.

"Whoo!" I cheered as I chewed on the grape. "I did it!"

"You did," he smiled, nodding. "Come on, another one." He threw another grape and I caught it in my mouth again.

I jumped in excitement, "I'm a pro now!"

"Uh-uh, let's not get too cocky," he pulled me to him so that I stood in between his legs where he sat.

"Whatever," I rolled my eyes, popping a grape into my mouth.

"Guess what," he said softly, a smile on his face.

I gasped, "You're pregnant?"

"Yeah, 3 weeks gone. Ha ha, Renée."

"Come on," I took a grape and pushed it into his mouth before kissing the corner of his mouth, "I was trying to throw in some humor. But tell me, what is it?"

He flashed a boyish grin, chewing on the grape, "I turned in the painting yesterday."

I blinked. "No way."

"I'm not kidding," his face broke into a full smile.

"River, that's so amazing! Oh my gosh, I'm so proud of you."


"You have no idea how much."

He pulled me closer, so that there was only a few inches between us, wrapping his arms around my waist. "Well, you were my motivation," he said.

"Was I, really?"

He nodded, "You pushed me and you were unaware of it."

"You make me so happy," I said quietly.

"You make me happy too," he pressed his lips to mine and I smiled against the kiss.

"Whoa, no nephews yet! I should be the one to make you an aunt first!"

River chuckled and we pulled away to see Tanner who just walked into the kitchen.

"Hey, Tanner. How did it go?" I asked expectantly.

He nodded, "It was actually great—"

"I need details!"

He then let out a breath and sat on the counter, looking from me to River before saying, "Well, we talked about what happened. We both apologized and we just caught up on each other's lives, that's all," he had a wide smile on his face as he said, "She still has that mug I got her."

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