23. promises & distances

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Don't you know that you're bad for me, I gotta trust my lonely
- Alessia Cara, Trust My Lonely.

"Kaleb Kaden, for the second time, I am not mad," I rolled my eyes at him. He sat opposite me, spooning some cereal into his mouth and I did the same.

"You're just saying that-"

"No, I'm not. These are perks and I used to think I was used to it, but apparently I'm not, but I will eventually."

He sighed, "I called you back."

I couldn't help but laugh, "Did you really expect me to come back? An extremely spacious room still can't contain me and Sydney."

"Well, I felt bad."

"What was the need to? In the end, I spent the day with Tanner. We binged on wings and-"

"You were stress eating?"

"Well, in the beginning, I was, but later, I forgot about it and had ice cream and Netflix too."

"I'm still sorry about Sydney."

"I do not care for Sydney," I said casually and saw hurt flash across Kaleb's face so I added, "And she doesn't care for me either, so it's mutual. Just promise me that you wouldn't let Sydney come between our friendship."

He looked at me for a while then said, "I promise."

"Pinkie," I held out my pinkie while he chuckled and held his out before linking it with mine.

"Good," I smiled satisfactorily.

"So, how do you feel about the whole thing with River?"

I shrugged, "I finally told Tanner about him, by the way."

"No way. What did he say?"

"Well, he was upset, but later he told me I just had to accept he was taken which is so, so hard Kaleb, especially since he's called and texted."

"I know it's hard, and while there's a possibility he does feel something for you, we'll be starting Operation Forget River, He Has Someone," he stopped. "No, that's too long. Operation Forget River. Yes."

I chuckled lightly, "What's that? I'm scared to admit that I couldn't forget him even if I tried."

"How about you step out Friday night. Ditch work and come for our little party?"

"First, I'm not going to ditch work, and second, who's 'our'?"

"The team wants to have a little party, and hey, it's at my place-"

"I can't ditch work."

"I know better than to tell you to, but at least think about it?"

I was silent at first before saying, "Fine."


By the time I got to work, River wasn't in which was a good thing because I was able to at least work without thinking or trying to see if he was looking at me.

"Hey Renée," Sky marched up to me, a smile on her face.

"Hi Sky," I replied, smiling back at her.

"You left unusually early on Friday and didn't come on Saturday-"

"No, no, I mean it's no problem that you didnt come. There wasn't even much to do if you did come. Just that on Friday, River had asked of you and he also came on Saturday thinking you'd be in."

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