34. sick days & sweet guys

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❝Hearts in my eyes, strawberry skies❞
- Madison Beer, Teenager In Love.

I did wake up the next morning with a banging headache, and I really did feel like I had been run over by a truck. I groaned, stirring and hoping Tanner would believe me this time. I mean, it was only yesterday when I faked being sick.

"Hey, Renee, you should be up by now!" I heard Tanner say from the other side of the door minutes later.

I tried to speak, but my voice was inaudible.

"Be down for breakfast soon," he said before I heard his footstep move away from the door.

Of course, he wouldn't think I could be sick today. Well, I was, so I was going to lie in bed till he noticed I wasn't out.

I was only falling back in to sleep when there was a knock on the door. "Renée."

"Tanner?" I called softly.

"Renee, I hope you know you're running late. Why aren't you out?" He said, opening the door and a look of disbelief masked his face, "Why-"

"I promise Tanner, I feel sick." I looked at him.

"But, are you?"

I nodded. "I have a headache. It's banging."

He looked at me, walking to my bed and sitting by me, raising a hand to my forehead.

"Can you see that I'm running a temperature?"

He let out a breath, "Your skin is flushed."

"I feel like death."

"You have to stay home and rest. I'm sure it's a cold or a flu. I'll call work and let them know I wouldn't be coming today."

"No, you don't have to do that. I'm sure I can take care of myself."

He looked at me. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah," I nodded. "If anything goes wrong or I feel worse, I'll text you."

It was his turn to nod, "Okay," he leaned in and kissed my forehead.


"Make sure you stay hydrated, and by that, I mean water and juice. No coffee or soda," Tanner told me before leaving for work. "Try eating something, that's important, then take an ibuprofen. I left it on the counter in the kitchen. Text me if you feel worse. Love you. Oh, and don't shower with cold water."

"Okay, love you too."

I headed right back into my room, not wanting to do anything at all but sleep. I should have something to eat, but I didn't have the appetite to.

My phone vibrated beside me, letting me know I had a text. And it was one from Kaleb.

*I haven't seen you. Where are you?*

It was then I remembered to tell him,

*I'm home. Sick.*

It was also then I remembered to let Sky know I wouldn't be coming to work, so I sent her a text as well,

*Hi Sky. I wouldn't be coming to work today. Down with a cold or a flu, heaven knows. Hopefully, I'll be out tomorrow. Have a great day.*

After reading her reply telling me to feel better, I curled up under my blanket, a book in hand. I wasn't much of a reader, simply because anytime I picked up a book to read I ended up falling asleep, so after long hours of sleep and absolute boredom, I decided to lounge in the living room.

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