43. birthday parties & more introductions

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I got all I need, in a world of doubt❞

- LSD (Labrinth, Sia & Diplo), No New Friends

"Smells really good," Tanner said Saturday morning as I tried to put all cupcakes I'd baked earlier that morning into two boxes of twelve cupcakes I'd gotten the day before.

"Yeah? I'm so glad I could make it," I really was glad. I'd even gone ahead with the help of Tanner to cover the cakes with frosting and put some sprinkles and chocolates on top of them.

Tanner kissed the top of my head and I smiled before walking up to my room to get fully prepared before leaving. I was going to take a cab to River's place after I'd told him countless times not to come pick me up. I felt a surge of excitement at the thought of seeing Riley today and seeing Zee tomorrow.

I grabbed the boxes of cupcakes, "Tanner, I'm out. I love you!" I shouted before bolting out the door.


My heart melted when I saw how much effort Maddie must have put in just to celebrate her last born's birthday. The house was decorated with colorful balloons, but the most eye-catching balloon was a LED lit up balloon of Riley's new age, 11, a banner over it with her name on it. There was loud music, a PRETTYMUCH bop that some kids were dancing to. Some kids ran around laughing, chasing each other, some played tag, while some chattered excitedly over pizza or some dessert.

Seeing these made me wish I could be a kid again. I never had a birthday celebration. It was usually just Tanner going all out to do something for me.

I inhaled, taking in the aroma of food and all kinds of dessert. A little girl ran to me, hiding behind me and giggling. I chuckled when I saw the boy chasing her approaching me. She screamed and ran off. They were so cute I could cry.

I wasn't having baby fever, was I?

I looked around and saw Riley wearing a purple dress, a party hat over her dark hair. She giggled with her friends and then her gaze met mine.

"Renée!" I smiled widely as she ran to me, flinging her arms around my waist.

"Hey, birthday girl," I laughed, bending to kiss her forehead. "Happy birthday, Riley."

"Thank you," she had a wide smile on her face that matched River's.

"Look at you! You're so pretty," I gushed.

"Thank you, Renée. Are those for me?"She asked softly, her gaze averting to the boxes in my hand.

"Yes, they are. I made you cupcakes."

"I wanna see them!" She jumped in excitement and I carefully opened the top box, showing her its contents.

"They look so good! Can I have one?"

"Sure," I smiled. "They're yours."

I watched her decide which cake to pick and I was pleased. She finally took one, eating it before reaching to take another one, "I'll share them with my friends! Come meet them," she said, but Maddie walked over to us. "Renée, I'm so glad you came," she said, giving me a hug.

I hugged back, "Thank you for inviting me. It's a wonderful party you set up."

"Thank you," she smiled down at Riley who now hugged her side.

"Mom, Renée baked me cupcakes!" She looked up at her mom, a smile on her face.

Maddie's eyes went soft, "Aw, Renée, that was so sweet and thoughtful of you. Thank you so much."

"It's nothing," I replied, handing the boxes to her.

"Have you seen River?" She asked, taking the boxes from me.

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