30. board posts & unexpected texts

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Some days, things just take way too much of my energy
- Ariana Grande, Breathin'.

"We need to talk," Tanner said to me the moment I walked into the house.

"Sure, what's up?" I dropped my backpack on the couch and quickly went to grab a cold bottle of water from the refrigerator.

"I've told you many times, you don't have to say anything to Kendall."

I rolled my eyes, "Are we talking about Kendall?"

"What is your problem, Renée?" He asked me in the softest tone.

"What is my problem? I didn't do anything wrong!" I threw my hands up in the air.

"I did not bring you up to be rude-"

"Did she tell you about the part where she called me a brat?"

"Renée, I know you don't like Kendall, but she's my girlfriend, okay? And you're gonna have to respect that."

I looked at him in disbelief, "Did you hear what I said? She called me a brat, and why? Because I told her I already had dinner, which I actually did have at Kaleb's."

Tanner rubbed his temples, not saying a word.

"You should be on my side," I looked at him. "At least that's what I think.  If you're going to accept that she called me a brat, then you're accepting that you raised a brat.  If you're cool with it, then okay," I shrugged before going to my room.

I was so upset.

When it came to Kendall, it felt as though Tanner was so blinded, and that wasn't a good thing especially since he was the guy. When he was with Zee, nothing seemed forced between them, but with Kendall, it was another story entirely.

The rest of the week passed briefly and I congratulated myself for making it through the week. From boring classes to so much work at the bakery to giving Tanner a somewhat silent treatment to accepting that River just didn't care.

After me and Kaleb's little show in front of the bakery, I hadn't seen River against for the rest of the day. He'd come back the next day, though, but he looked totally unbothered, and that bothered me. He wasn't jealous, and I couldn't explain how I felt knowing that the plan didn't work.

It was all a bad idea.

Monday morning came and I didn't even want to get up from bed.

"Hey sweetie, wake up, it's time for school!" Tanner called from outside the door and I didn't say anything back.

I made my way into the bathroom and freshened up and in minutes, I was out and fully dressed.

"Aren't you going to have breakfast?" Tanner asked me as I walked to the front door.

"No, thanks," I shut the door behind me and let out a breath.

Now, time to wait for that idiot.

Kaleb pulled up to my house about ten minutes later.

"Sorry, I'm late. Mom wouldn't let me leave until we had a Skype session with Hudson," he rolled his eyes.

"Skype is still a thing?"

"Apparently. Hey, you're out. That's off. Am I that late?"

"Nope," I got into the car. "I was just trying to avoid speaking to Tanner."

"Isn't that impossible?" He chuckled. "Why though?"

"He literally had a go at me yesterday because of Kendall and he was taking sides with her."

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