49. forgotten birthdays & proper apologies

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"But I'm lying, when I talk to you

'cos you're lying, under someone new

and I'm dying, wanna tell the truth

I'm not o-, I'm not o-, I'm not over you"

                                 - PRETTYMUCH, Lil Tjay, Lying.

"Why does Tanner look so nervous?" River looked at me, and surely, when my gaze averted to Tanner who was literally pacing the kitchen, I chuckled softly and looked back at River, "He's seeing his ex-girlfriend today."

"Do you think they'll ever get back together?"

I shrugged. "I hope so."

Me and River were seated on the high stools by the middle counter, both of us trying to figure my math homework out.

River ran his fingers through his hair, letting out a breath, "That's about how far I can go with the equation." He rested the side of his face against is palm, "Damn, I probably should have finished school."

We both laughed and I looked to Tanner again and yelled, "Stop fretting already. You really look like a teenage dude who's nervous about asking his crush out," I chuckled.

"Shush, Renee. You're really trying not to get a gift next week, aren't you?" Tanner rolled his eyes.

River looked at me, surprised. "What? Your birthday is next week? Why didn't you tell me?"

"I swear I forgot it was next week," I laughed a silly laugh.

"What day is it?" He asked.

"Friday," Tanner answered for me, playfully winking. "Wish me luck, guys."

"Come on, leave the house already." I shooed.



I ran my fingers through my hair, my eyes focused on my laptop as I tried to read through the latest fashion news, but that was hard especially since I held my phone to my ear, listening to dad go on and on about a TV show he just started seeing.

"Mhm," I said absent-mindedly, raising my mug of coffee to my lips. The doorbell rang and I inwardly thanked God. "Dad, I have someone at the door. Let's talk later, bueno? Te amo papa."

I put down my phone and walked to the door, opening it, but I regretted it the moment I saw who was standing in front of me. I wanted to close the door in shock, but because I was filled with so much shock, I froze in place.

I didn't think I would see Tanner again. Yes, I had reunited with Renée, but I wouldn't look for or create any opportunity to see him. Plus, he had a girlfriend, didn't he?

"W- what are you doing here?" I found my voice and suddenly became conscious of everything. How did I look? How clean was the house? It had to be. I'd done some cleaning last night—

Tanner ran his fingers through his hair and awkwardly replied, "Can I come in? I, uh," he cleared his throat, "I want to talk to you."

I was hesitant, trying hard not to make any sort of eye contact with him. And so, I let out a breath and stepped away from the door for him to come in. I closed the door, my heart plummeting against my chest as he passed by me and walked into the living room. I didn't know how to feel. Here was a guy I'd always loved and probably always will. Seeing him brought up so many emotions and I wasn't sure I could handle it. He looked good. Way too good. Better that how I even remembered him to look.

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