i know you're waiting. i love you❤

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I've gotten a few messages asking why I haven't put out a book this year already.
As much as I miss updating and relating with you guys, I've decided to take my time before putting out the fourth book for the following reasons:

● I'm taking my time to do readings on so topics and issues I'm trying to include in the book. I really want this to be relatable on different levels, and I don't want to rush anything.

● I'm looking to finish the whole book before putting it out. I know that my life is about to get busy after this year and I've got time now. But relax, I've written a few chapters, so I'm working behind the scene ha.


That being said, I hope you're all staying safe. What have you gotten up to this period? I love you guys so much, your support means the WORLD to me. I dont even know 98% of y'all but I want to hug you guys and hold a party where we all eat and talk about silly things ❤

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