59. apologies & dress fittings

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 Forget our friends, girl, I love it when we chill together.

— Stormzy, Burna Boy, Ed Sheeran, Own It.

I laughed at something Harper said as we walked out of the Girl Up meeting.
"You're one of the cheesiest people I know, Harper," I told her.

We were making our way to our lockers when Kaleb came along, panting. "Hey guys."

While Harper smiled, giving a small wave at him, I answered, "What's up?"

"I need your help," he took a breath in. "We used many balls for practice today, and coach asked me to take all of them back to the store room because I was the last one to leave the court. So, I need your help to take back the balls," he explained.

"Okay, stop saying balls... it's- it's disturbing," I cringed.

"But... they're balls," Kaleb raised an eyebrow and Harper chuckled, causing Kaleb to look at her, "Tell her to get her mind off the gutter." He looked back at me, "So? Are you down?"

"I'm sorry, but that can't work," I ran my fingers through my hair. "Remember I told you me and River have to go pick up a dress today?"

Kaleb facepalmed, "I totally forgot."

"I'm sorry, dude," I rested a hand on his shoulder.

"I- I can help you with it... if that's okay with you," Harper said beside me.

"Really?" Kaleb looked at her.

I noticed a bit of pink splash across her cheeks as she nodded.

"Cool," Kaleb said in relief. "Thank you so much. Lets go."

Harper turned to me, "I'll see you tomorrow, Renée?"

I smiled, "Sure. Bye!"

I raised an eyebrow, a little smile on my face as I watched them leave.

My phone buzzed, indicating I had a text, and it was one from River.

~I'm pulling up in 5 minutes~

In order not to keep him waiting when he got there, I grabbed my backpack and made my way out of the school building. I stood by the parking lot where I knew he would be able to see me easily, when I heard my name being called.


I looked back and was surprised to see Sydney approaching me. I pushed my hair away from my face. What now?

"Renée?" She called again, her voice brittle.

"What do you want?" I shot.

"Can we talk? For a few minutes?" She asked.

"No, I have nothing to say to you, so if you want to talk then go ahead."

She looked down for a second, unable to meet my eyes.

"What do you want, Sydney? I'm leaving soon." I pressed.

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