24. annoyances and reconsiderations

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I'm a-okay, I'm good as gold and I can do better❞
- Alessia Cara, Trust My Lonely.

"I couldn't have heard right. Another history test?"

Harper rolled her eyes, "Girl, we heard the same thing."

My mind instantly went to River and then I groaned inwardly.

This was so hard, but maybe it wouldn't be so bad. It was Friday today. I could go over to Kaleb's on Sunday and read my history text to him. Not bad.

"Hey, why'd Mr. Matthews say we have to retake the test?" I heard Harper one of our classmates, Mason.

"Apparently, he wasn't satisfied with our grades in the first test," he rolled his eyes.

"But the same man said at the beginning of the class that we all did well," she sighed.

Mason shook his head, "I don't know. He probably remembered his wife didn't blow him last night and got pissed all over again."

Me and Harper burst into laughter even as Mason walked off.

"How did he even think of that?" I asked when my laughter subsided.

"I have no idea," she chuckled. "So, are you going for the party tonight?"

"Kaleb did tell me about it, but nah," I shook my head. "How about you?"

"Yep," she nodded. "At least I'll get to see Jace. Why aren't you attending?"

"I have work," I answered.

"So? You can always take the night off."

"Oh God, where are the good teens of this world? You're not suggesting that I ditch work too," I laughed and Harper chuckled.

"Come on," she said. "We are American teens. We consider rebelling once in a while. I'd really love for you to come for the party, though. But if you're working, then no pressure."

"I might reconsider."

"I told you we all consider rebelling once in a while."

We laughed, but Harper appeared startled all of a sudden.

"Oh my. Why's Logan Carter looking here?" She gushed. "Hold on. It's you, Renee. It's you he's looking at."

I looked at Logan who was now making his way to me. When he got to me, Harper smiled, saying, "I'll just leave you two," and then she walked away.

I smiled up at Logan, "Hi."

"Hey, you perky human," he grinned while I playfully rolled my eyes, "I hope you're doing fine, Logan."

He shrugged, "I am living. I was wondering if you were coming for the party tonight at Kaden's."

"That's what I was just discussing with Harper, and I'm reconsidering actually being there."

He had a light smile on his face, "You should come."

In front of me was a really cute guy who had liked me for a while now. Maybe I should just be with and see how it would go? No, I couldn't do that. That was wrong, but River had someone else...

I looked at Logan and nodded, "Fine. I will try to be there."

He ruffled my hair, "I'll be expecting you."


Marnie and Zuri were laughing about something but I wasn't paying attention. I mean, I was at first, but somewhere along the line, I zoned out.

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